10.03.07 - GUIDE: CIS Pt 2

by on Oct 03, 2007

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <div align="center"><img

alt="Ten Ton Hammer Quest Guide">

 Strange Things Are Afoot

style="font-style: italic;">by Machail


Quest Details

Minimum Level: 19

Quest Givers:

Scholar Donovan

Completed By:

Scholar Donovan


Infineum Cloak

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CIS Quests


The Cloak

Strange Things Are Afoot Avoiding the Whip Help the Runaway Collect Samples of Ore for Donovan

The Ring

Infineum Immunity The Purification Ritual Vengeance

The Earring

Immunity Potion

The First Weapon

Golem Power Sources Robes of the Cultists Infineum Weapons The Art of Forging Infineum

The Armor Set

Using the Weapon The Summoning Society Writ of Membership Rewrought Infineum Armor

The Legendary Weapon


style="font-weight: bold;">

Strange Things Are Afoot

href="http://media.tentonhammer.com/vanguard/gallery/albums/album64/donmap.jpg"> title="Map to Donovan"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 125px; height: 125px; float: left;"
alt="Map to Donovan" hspace="6" vspace="2">This
is the main quest line for the Infineum Cloak.  Throughout the
quest you will get three sub-quests you need to complete before you'll
be able to turn in this quest for your cloak.

First things first;
you'll need to head over to the Coterie Infineum Sanctuary.
 This is the chunk where the entire quest line takes place, so
it's a good place to set up.  CIS can be found just west of
the city of Ahgram.  You can get there by running, or by the
 first tier rifts.  Click the map to enlarge.
 Marked on the map is also the riftway (the blue beacon) and
the alter (the green beacon).  

To get the quest
started, you'll need to speak to Scholar Donovan.  He can be
found at Donovan's roost, indicated by the red star on the map, just
north of the CIS riftway.

style="width: 500px; height: 306px;" alt="Scholar Donovan"
title="Scholar Donovan"

Donovan won't
appear to have a quest when you first approach him.  This is
normal.  This quest does not appear as a yellow shield,
because it first requires you to talk with Donovan to hear a bit of the
story before he'll open the quest up to you.  So go ahead and
hail him to find out what has been going on in the area.

Donovan will introduce himself as a member of the Ahgram Archaeology
Society (and yes, half the game spells it "Ahgram," and the other half
"Aghram."  We're going to go with "Ahgram" for this quest
series guide).  He's here to investigate some rumors that
there are some miners collecting infineum in this area.  While
that may seem like no big deal, he'll go on to explain that ancient
texts talk of a major event that occured near the area ages ago, and
infineum started appearing.  No one knows what it was used
for.  Now that there is a group mining it, the Society has
become worried; because its use is unknown and these miners could be
using it for evil!  How Saturday-morning-cartoon of them!
 Since Donovan is a wee man, and not much of a match against
the creatures in the mines, he requests you  to give him a
hand and investigate.  Of course, you'll accept, and then
he'll offer you the quest "Strange Things Are Afoot."

The quest objectives for this quest are simple, yet surprisingly vague.
 He simply wants you to "discover the truth behind the
infineum."  Not a problem, but we'll need a place to start.
 Luckily, he gives you that.  He'll tell you to go
find Warder Pondar within the infineum mines. We'll discuss where and
how to find Pondar a bit later on.

This is the start of the very epic quest series, so your adventure is
now under way.  In order to complete this quest, "Strange
Things Are Afoot," you'll need to complete the three sub-quests:
Avoiding the Whip Help the Runaway Collect Samples of Ore for Donovan

Once the three subquests are completed, you'll be able to return to
Donovan for your reward: a fine Infineum Cloak of your choosing!

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016