10.23.07 - Quest: Gardens of Xia'Liu: Heart of Clay

by on Oct 21, 2007

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Gardens of Xia'Liu: Heart of Clay

style="font-style: italic;">by Ralsu

October 23, 2007


Quest Details

Minimum Level: 12

Quest Givers:

Scar Vullgrin Warseer Gulkar

Completed By:

Scar Vullgrin Warseer Gulkar


coin, XP, weapon

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Garden Quests

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the Root
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of Clay href="http://vanguard.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=800">Pruning
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Flowers href="http://vanguard.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=802">Weakening

style="font-weight: bold;">

Heart of Clay

This quest is one of a
series of
quests that send you to the Gardens of Xia'Liu (commonly
just called "the Gardens" because no one wants to spell Xia'Liu). The
quests can be
started at level 12, and it is a great first quest to do in the series
because it does not require you to go very far into the Gardens.

Heart of Clay has two
parts: first
to kill 10 clay golems and take their hearts, and then to go commune
with one of the spirits trapped inside the golem. The reward is one of
four weapons.

Logging the Quest

Refer to the href="http://vanguard.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=785">Gardens
of Xia'Liu: Overview for information on getting to the quest
and the Gardens. Scar Vullgrin in Gulkar's Encampment begins the quest.
He tells you that he and another Scar were ambushed by warriors that
literally crawled up from the ground. Vullgrin survived, but his
companion was slain. Now Vullgrin wants you to avenge the other Scar's
death by bringing back the hearts of the assailants. The quest dialog
is below (click the picture for a larger version):

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The Mobs

The entrance to the Gardens is marked clearly by what looks like a
Shinto shrine. As you head up the slope of the mountain, you'll pass
more of the archways. Each one has a pair of Clay Guardians. Clay
Sentinels patrol up and down the path between archways. The mobs are
level 13 and 14 3dots. Be aware that they usually stun you for a few
seconds with one of their first attacks. As they get low in hit points,
they start stunning frequently--almost every other hit. Just be careful
not to get caught in a stun lock. Kill as many as you need to loot 10
clay hearts.

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style="border: 2px solid ; height: 300px;">

Vullgrin's Confession

When you return
the 10 hearts
to Vullgrin, he confesses that he had failed to kill his foe fast
enough and that resulted in the other Scar's death. He is riddled with
guilt and suggests that Warseer Gulkar might be able to understand the
magic that animates the golems by inspecting one of the hearts.

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style="border: 2px solid ; width: 250px;">

Communicating with Clay

Warseer Gulkar has a
theory about
the magic behind the golems, but he wants you to check for him. He
gives you a talisman and asks you to use it to look into the heart of
one of the golems. He promises a new weapon as your reward.

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Using Gulkar's Talisman

Return to the Gardens
and target a
golem. Right-click Gulkar's Talisman in your inventory to begin using
it. It is possible to use it from a great enough distance to not
trigger the aggro range of the golem.

When you look into the heart of the golem, you hear a voice in your
head and the name Vekeel. At this point, the targeted golem will attack
you. Kill it and return to Gulkar.

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Choose Your Weapon

Warseer Gulkar
recognizes the name
Vekeel as a former Scar who used to patrol the area. His suspicions
have been confirmed. The Yukiona have somehow managed to trap the
spirits of the fallen of Clan Martok inside the clay bodies. He hastily
gives you a weapon as a reward and wants to warn others.

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the Vanguard Quest Database

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016