2006 in Retrospect

by on Dec 30, 2006

<b>The year is over already!?</b><p>

The year is over already!?

Well, it seems that 2006 is about to slip right by us. As this year closes, Ratboy takes a moment to look over the finer moments of WAR this year. Ranging from locations to careers, and even E3, all of these topics are touched on. Here's a peek:

It’s been over a year since I took up the reigns as Community Manager for the Warhammer Online TenTonHammer site, and it’s been packed with so much that I’ve been spending the past hour just going over everything that we’ve seen in 2006. With several different news pieces, images, trailers, and other media related updates, 2006 has really been a shining year in the development and “hype raising” of WAR.

You can read the entire article by Clicking Here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016