5.2 Grobbulus (Naxxramas)

by on Sep 27, 2006

<h1>5.2 Grobbulus (Naxxramas) </h1> <hr /> <iframe src="http://wow.tentonhammer.com/common/WoW/300x250ad.html" width="310" height="260" scrolling="No" align="right" frameborder="0"></iframe>

5.2 Grobbulus (Naxxramas)

Table of Contents

1.0 Naxxramas Main Naxxramas Introduction 5.0 Abomination Wing 5.1 Patchwerk 5.2 Grobbulus 5.3 Gluth 5.4 Thaddius


Grobbulus is the second abomination within the feared Abomination Wing. Anyone guild who has slain Patchwerk can most then likely move on to Grobbulus without a problem, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fear him. He is a very formidable opponent, and one mistake can cause a domino effect of deaths leading to a raid wipe.


There isn’t too much to this fight, so you should try to bring a balanced raid. Your melee do not need melee consumables as they will be using ranged attacks or attacking weak adds the entire fight. Your main-tank may want a Flask of The Titans to keep his health up during the fight. Agility consumables are very good for this fight along with anything that buffs ranged attacks.


Poison Cloud: He leaves a poison cloud behind him as he walks that does a very good amount of damage and remains for a very long time. These clouds can kind of spread towards the main-tank as he tanks, so the best way to avoid it is to not stand in it and have your main-tank kite Grobbulus around (slowly).

Slime Spray: Does around 4000~ damage (Nature based) and spawns a slime that needs to be taken care of.

Mutating Injection: Does about 4500~ damage around the target (or less if it’s cleansed) and spawns a Poison Cloud. Think of it as something like Geddons explosion but way, way, way more awesome/deadly.

Enrage: He goes insane and kills the raid at 12 minutes into the fight.


This fight is VERY simple. It involves two key principles.

Principle A: Do not stand in green stuff.
Principle B: Listen to Principle A.

This fight goes very smoothly if everyone is aware of where they are standing. The Poison Cloud will quickly kill anyone who stands in it, so it’s really in everyone’s best interest to not stand in it. Everyone should also not be anywhere NEAR Grobbulus.

At all times the entire raid should be at maximum range from him or the main-tank (damage healers should be as far away as possible while still being possible to do damage and healers should be as far away as possible while still being able to heal). This will avoid two things: the Poison Cloud and the Slime Spray.

The fight should begin by the main-tank pulling Grobbulus and kiting him across the wall (you can start at the wall left from the little ramp where you pull him). Every time he uses his Poison Cloud the main-tank should pull him back some more where the main-tank is outside of it. You shouldn’t pull him too far away from it as you’re trying to keep plenty of space to kite him around with.

The rest of the raid should pound on him with ranged attacks, even the melee. Whenever any slimes spawn from his Slime Spray the melee should take care of it then switch back to their ranged weapons. If anyone gets Mutating Injection casted on them then they should get away from the raid to a pre-designated area to have it cleansed.

Outside of that, it’s a pretty simple fight. When Grobbulus is defeated then you can loot one Tier 3 Shoulder Token and whatever other loot he takes. The next boss is Gluth.

Want to comment on this Naxxramas boss or the guide itself? Email me at Xerin@TenTonHammer.com or post on our forums!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016