5.3 Gluth (Naxxramas)

by on Sep 27, 2006

<h1>5.3 Gluth (Naxxramas) </h1> <hr /> <iframe src="http://wow.tentonhammer.com/common/WoW/300x250ad.html" width="310" height="260" scrolling="No" align="right" frameborder="0"></iframe>

5.3 Gluth (Naxxramas)

Table of Contents

1.0 Naxxramas Main Return to Naxxramas's Main Table of Contents 5.0 Abomination Wing 5.1 Patchwerk 5.2 Grobbulus 5.3 Gluth 5.4 Thaddius


Gluth is the third boss inside of the Abomination wing. Those who have slain Grobbulus can probably move straight on to Gluth, but he’s no cakewalk. A combination of an extremely difficult boss along with massive amounts of undead flooding into the room create an encounter that requires everyone to be doing their roll or else everything will collapse and the raid will wipe.


A balanced raid will work for this fight. Setup some kiting groups (see tactics) and a main-tank group. The main-tank, like most encounters in Naxxramas, may want a Flask of the Titans to keep his HP up (as one of Gluth’s skills leaves everyone in the raid with 5% health). Set up a HoT rotation with your healers to ensure the main-tank WILL have a HoT before the Decimate. You’ll probably want some off-tanks as well set-up in healing groups. A tranq rotation will also be needed.


AoE Fear: Every 20ish seconds Gluth will fear those around him, kinda of like all the other bosses who fear people near them.

Mortal Wound: The usual Mortal Wound debuff, reduces healing by 10% and stacks up to 100% where healing no longer works.

Frenzy: Every 10 seconds a Hunter needs to hit him with tranq shot. Be sure to set up a rotation before the fight.

Decimate: About every minute and forty seconds, Gluth reduces everyones HP down to 5%, including the undead wandering about the room. This is fixed by everyone using potions/bandages/main-tank using potions/HoT’s/etc.

Enrage: Kills the raid around the five minute mark by doing massive amounts of damage and fast.


Undead Party Ultra Mega Fun Time

That’s right, the Undead are totally throwing a rave and it’s in Gluth’s room. They all want to run to Gluth and sacrifice themselves to heal him up and that’s the entire gimmick to this fight.

Okay, anyway, back to being serious. Alright, start by tanking Gluth with his head sticking through the door (you’ll see it). Have the main-tank and an off tank working together to keep the debuffs from killing them. Every minute and forty seconds (well before then) get ready for Decimate by having HoT’s and bandages ready.

That’s about it for the boss, the rest of the fight is dealing with the Undead. Each guild is going to have their own unique way for dealing with them, but here is the major part about it.

If any undead make it to Gluth then he can consume them for 5% of his health. This is very bad. You can’t also have a tank take and hold aggro on all of the undead (3 spawn every 10 seconds or so) so the best solution is to kite them. You can use a variety of ways, for instance have a Warrior or multiple Warriors (or Paladins) use their AoE abilities and just kite them around the room away from Gluth. You can throw in Mage’s to use Ice Nova to provide breaks. You can kind of frequently group them up in the middle of the room and AoE them down or you can wait until the decimate comes and AoE them down REALLY fast as they will then only have 5% hp.

Whatever you do, just be sure they are under control. You loose this encounter when either your main-tank gets 100% healing decrease and dies or your undead go out of control.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016