5.4 Thaddius (Naxxramas)

by on Sep 27, 2006

<h1>5.4 Thaddius (Naxxramas) </h1> <hr /> <iframe src="http://wow.tentonhammer.com/common/WoW/300x250ad.html" width="310" height="260" scrolling="No" align="right" frameborder="0"></iframe>

5.4 Thaddius (Naxxramas)

Table of Contents

1.0 Naxxramas Main Return to Naxxramas's Main Table of Contents 5.0 Abomination Wing 5.1 Patchwerk 5.2 Grobbulus 5.3 Gluth 5.4 Thaddius


Thaddius is one of the “major” bosses within Naxxramas. He’s the last boss within the Abomination Wing within Naxxramas and that is with reason. This massive enemy and his two cronies are unstoppable juggernauts designed to stomp you into the ground and prevent further intrusion within the floating citadel, Naxxramas.

You’ll have to get through the impenetrable Patchwerk, the acid spewing Grobbulus, and the high-stomping Gluth to get to Thaddius and try your luck against him. He sits in the middle of a laboratory with two mini-bosses: Feugen and Stalagg. All three command the power of lightening to massively damage your raid.

As a word of caution, if your guild hasn’t got the Twin Emperor fight down pat then most then likely this boss will be way more difficult. Taddius’s encounter is similar in many ways to the Twin Emperors encounter.

Read up on the process of creating such an interesting looking enemy right here.


You’ll need one main-tank and then a sorta off-tank. You’ll also need about four to five healers assigned to main-tank healing duty. You’ll need DPS consumables, maybe a few of the various Flasks, and you’ll need to be buffed to the toes. After Phase 1 Thaddius will Enrage after 5 minutes and the raid will have to do some clever moving around like the Twin Emperor fights.


Phase One:

Stalagg’s Thunderclap: Your normal Thunderclap but with tons of damage.
Feugen AoE Mana Drain: Drains the mana of people around him.
Feugen’s Warstomp: Does about 1,500ish damage to everyone around him within Melee range and stuns them.
Chain Lightening: A massive AoE attack should Feugen or Stalagg be pulled away from their lightening rod.

Phase Two:

Charge Particles (made up name): Every thirty seconds Thaddius will take it upon himself to “charge” the raid. He gives everyone either a negative or a positive debuff (electrical debuff, not a good debuff). Every five seconds, if two opposite players stand next to each other they will deal 2,000 damage to each other. This means if your raid is standing in a giant ball then everyone within the raid will die. This is countered by moving around.

Chain Lightening: A AoE attack that deals moderate damage to five people.

Enrage: After five minutes, Thaddius goes insane and begins wiping the raid.


Phase One:

Phase one involves having your two tanks tanking the two mini-bosses next to their. Your raid should split up (mana users fight Stalagg while non mana users fight Feugen) and DPS the two sub-bosses down. If you pull them away from the lightening rod then your raid is going to meet a very nasty chain lightening, so try to keep them where they are. Hunters and Mages can kinda out range Feugen, so if it’s needed they can go help with him. BOTH BOSSES MUST BE KILLED AT NEAR THE SAME TIME. They can resurrect each other, so be sure to burn each down to about 2% then take them the rest of the way down.

Phase Two:

Okay, in this fight you have two basic things. First of all, you need to kill Thaddius AND FAST. You’ve got five minutes to it, which should be enough time for a well equipped raid. Next you need to work out a strategy for when he charges the raid. You need to assign locations for positively and negatively charged players so that they can switch out in either a counterclockwise or clockwise manner (to avoid passing through each other). You can tell the different charges based on an aura placed on each player.

Really, that’s it. You just need to work it out where players can safely swap out with each other.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016