5 Types of Questions to Avoid at the WoW Q&A Panel

by on Nov 05, 2015

Asking questions is great, but you may want to consider avoiding these types of questions at the Q&A panel at BlizzCon 2015.

The old saying goes that there is no such thing as a stupid question. However, if you have ever watched the World of Warcraft Q&A panel at BlizzCon, you may start to wonder if this particular old saying isn't just a tiny bit off the mark. This panel, that one would expect to answer the burning questions about WoW, has turned into nothing more than congregation of people trying to one up each other and stump the developers.

This panel should be an amazing insight into the game, but it always manages to fall totally short of the mark. Most of the time we leave the hour long session knowing little to nothing of real importance and many use this podium to inflate their sense of grandeur. If you are like me, watching this panel always leaves you with an extreme sense of what the hell just happened here. So how do we make this time more productive and feel more relevant to WoW fans? A good start would be to avoid these five types of questions:

The Leading Question

We know, you are dying to know all the juicy details of the next expansion/patch/whatever. We are too. However, you are going to have to wait for any solid answers just like the rest of us. No big reveals are going to be happening at the WoW Q and A panel, despite your best attempts. Badgering the developers with question after question, trying to trick them, or otherwise trying to pry out an answer just isn't going to happen here. Really, I promise.

A great example is last year at BlizzCon when Warlords of Draenor was announced. The developers were quite happy to answer many general questions, but when confronted with a question like, “who is the last boss in the expansion?”, the panel remained totally mute on the subject. Basically, asking these sorts of questions will earn you nothing more than a short and direct answer that will get you absolutely nothing for your trouble.

The Red Shirt

The Red Shirt Guy is a legend of BlizzCon. He asked a question so amazingly difficult that developers were totally stumped. They didn't have an answer for him, which is pretty impressive, and now Red Shirt Guy will be immortalized forever. With that being said, it has had one unfortunate consequence; everyone wants to replicate this amazing moment.

Now the Q and A panel is filled with fans who are determined to ask such an obscure question that developers will be left scratching their heads. It doesn't matter if the question actually matters, as long as they can have their moment of superiority over the panel. Very few, if any have succeeded in replicating Red Shirt Guy and I think the madness needs to stop. If you really want to know why this obscure character did this one thing that one time with the other thing, by all means ask. However, if the question is just being asked to inflate your ego in front of an audience, perhaps you should reconsider your question.

The Veiled Threat

If you don't do insert demand here I am going to quit the game! You know the type, they frequent every Q and A panel for every game that has ever existed. They demand a certain thing happens in game, no matter how outrageous, and then say if that particular thing doesn't happen they will be leaving the game. FOREVER!

First and foremost, stomping your feat and making threats is not a way to get what you want. Second, if you are that unhappy with the game, perhaps leaving is the best option. Developers are not your personal lapdogs, treating them as such won't get you any results. Generally, comments and constructive criticism are welcomed, but not when you end it with the ultimatum of do this or else.

The Other Gamer

BlizzCon is a haven for all Blizzard games. Every universe is represented here and it is glorious. However, they are separated into distinct panels for a reason. We get that you are a Starcraft/Hearthstone/HotS/Overwatch fan; but save your questions about these games for those panels. While these developers may have worked on multiple games, they are here to answer questions specifically about World of Warcraft. Save your inquiries about other Blizzard games for the appropriate panel.

The Shout Out

I know, this technically doesn't count as a question, but I think it deserves to make the list anyway. It might seem awesome to wait in line to get some microphone time and then shout out to all your friends, but if that is all you are doing; please don't. It might seem cute but wouldn't it be better to save this time for a fan who actually has a question and isn't just looking for their 15 minutes of fame?

Remember, this list is just something to take into consideration to try to make the panel a better and more enriching experience for everyone. If you have a burning question that is important to you and you think it can be answered, ask it. With that being said, if at all possible; be polite, speak clearly, and leave your ego at the door. You catch more developers answers with honey than vinegar.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016