Overwatch: How to Counter Bastion

by on Mar 01, 2017

He's new and improved, but he isn't unstoppable: here's how to take down Bastion.

He's new and improved, but he isn't unstoppable.  How to take down Bastion. 

How to Counter Bastion

A lot has changed for our little robotic overlord in Season 4. Here are the highlights (or lowlights) depending on whether you play him or are against him. 

In recon mode he's a force.  Seriously...he has a 25% increase to his clip size and a reduced spread.   He can heal while moving. This alone might be the most drastic change, allowing him to be a much more mobile, self-sufficient Hero.  He can heal while taking damage. OK, this is probably the biggest Bastion Boon in Season 4 as he can heal through enormous damage while in Sentry mode (Ironclad + Healing). The sentry mode nerfs aren't terribly noticeable as anything within 35m continues to melt. He was never meant to be used long range and rarely was.  His Ironclad passive gives him 35% reduced damage in Sentry or Tank mode.  

So, How Do We KIll Him?

1. Due to Ironclad the following Heroes will have a terribly tough time taking out a Bastion in Sentry mode:  

D.Va Genji Soldier 76 Sombra Reaper Torbjorn Tracer Winston Zarya

Their small, biting damage is negated by Ironclad and can often be simply healed through.  Don't pick these and hope to take him down, though there is some argument that Genji can still do it with an incredibly capable player at the helm. 

2. D.Va can't kill him, but her Defense Matrix can make him useless while the team focuses him down. Likewise, Symmetra's barrier.   Her Ultimate ability is still an enormous boon and if used properly can negate Bastion, albeit for a short time. 

3. Ana is an excellent choice as a well placed sleep dart removes him from play, allowing a team mate to setup the kill. Your Biotic Grenade then removes his healing potential. I must stress however that the encounter will still need to be a 2 v 1 to kill him, as Ana alone isn't going to do it. Oh and before I forget, a sleeping Bastion charged by Reinhardt is an instant kill.

4. Go Long Range. Widowmaker, Hanzo (gasp) and even Junkrat can take out Bastion at range or in Junkrat's case, around corners.     These tend to be 1 v 1 options that are effective at taking out Bastion but they may leave your team vulnerable to other tactics. Junkrat's tire may have found a new main target. 

5. Pharah remains an excellent counter as she has a longer range than Bastion.  She has always been a good option and she doesn't hurt your team in ways other heroes can (such as Widowmaker).

6. Zenyatta's Orb of Discord takes away much of his defensive bonuses, plus Zenyatta can dish out some sweet damage. Just stay beyond the 35m mark so Bastion's damage is in drop-off. 

7. Zarya / D.Va / Symmetra can all escort damage to the target in their own ways.   

8. There are few true 1 v 1 counters to Bastion, especially in Sentry mode, and at times it may just make the most sense to use defenses like Mei Walls and Symmetra barriers to bypass him while you relocate the team.  

9. Roadhog can still pull Bastion out of Sentry mode and while it's risky (you'll need healing) it's often an easy kill if the rest of your team follow in. 

As the meta forms up we will add to this article, but for now,  these tips should give you an advantage. Oh and we gave you more than 5 ways, but we didn't think anyone would complain. 

Last Updated: Mar 01, 2017