9.18.07 - Vanguard Review

by on Sep 16, 2007

<h1 style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">Ten Ton Hammer Reviews <span style="font-style: italic;">Vanguard</span></h1> <span style="font-style: italic;">Compiled by Ralsu</span>

Ten Ton Hammer Reviews style="font-style: italic;">Vanguard

Compiled by Ralsu

17, 2007

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This review is compiled from 4 sources:

review href="http://vanguard.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=749">Another
View by Dalmarus
Perspective by Machail Reviews
from forum members
who ranked the same categories as the Community

Each category gets a score of 1 to 5 hammers (with 5 being best). The
ratings of the CMs counted for 50% of the score. The ratings of the
forum community counted for the other 50%. Thanks to all those who took
the time to share their views!

Graphics src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
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src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""

The Good style="font-style: italic;">

Ralsu: I've been playing
for almost a full year (dating back to Beta 3), and I still sometimes
top a ridge and feel my jaw drop in awe of a beautiful vista.

Dalmarus: class="pn-content-page-body">I go crazy
with the amount of screen shots I take, just to show friends that still
aren’t playing the game.

PokerKid: Show me another MMO
that has graphics even close to Vanguard and I'll consider something
lower than a 5.

The Bad

Machail: class="pn-content-page-body">There's not a lot
of use of the color spectrum as most of the world is in browns, greys
and greens.

schroedingercat: It is marred
by the fugliest character graphics since Luclin was released in [ style="font-style: italic;">EverQuest].

Kathas: VG has some of the best
graphics out there...on machines that can run them.

Sound src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_faded.gif"> alt=""

The Good style="font-style: italic;">

style="font-weight: bold;">Machail:  class="pn-content-page-body">I remember the first time walking
into Leth Nurae and hearing the soprano vocals, and feeling shivers.

Enscheff: If you have a decent
set of 2.1 speakers, you should really enjoy hearing all the different
combat effects coming at you from all different angles depending on
where group members are in relation to you.

Bhagpuss: The music in
Vanguard is by far the best I have heard in any MMO over the last 8
years, and certainly the only music from style="font-style: italic;">any video game I would consider
buying on CD.

The Bad

Ralsu: Sound
effects seem like reactions to unsatisfying sex.

Dalmarus: class="pn-content-page-body">It's this utter lack of excitement
generated by most of the sounds within the game that is at odds with
gorgeous world they reside in.

Handell: My biggest complaint
is voice-overs and effects. I craft a LOT and get really tired of
hearing my toon "grunt". And little is more annoying than crafting next
to a goblin.

Game Play src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""

The Good style="font-style: italic;">

style="font-weight: bold;">Dalmarus: class="pn-content-page-body">The fact
that I can see for “miles” and actually go explore
that set of ruins I saw off in the distance as I gazed down from a
cliff is more awe inspiring than I can express.

Machail: class="pn-content-page-body">
The dual-targeting system in Vanguard
was simply a stroke of genius.  It just makes good sense to
have a defensive target AND an offensive target.

Malleable: I LOVE the variety
of races (hello, goblins/orcs/vulmane/kurashasa, just need frogs and
lizards) and classes (Blood Mages - finally!)

The Bad

Ralsu: Mobs don't
provide nearly the
challenge I'd hoped for, and the dot system is horribly watered down.

Arthfayel: Kind of a grind

Metallikov: The economy needs
work...I'd like the ability to make brief notes about "Friends" to
remind myself when/where I last grouped with them and how things went.
Game Update 2..."dumbed down" the game by throwing out a very well
designed and flexible equipment expertise system.

Stability src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/vanguard/gallery/albums/album36/HammerIconHalf17x17.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_faded.gif"> alt=""

The Good

Dalmarus: class="pn-content-page-body">I...have had virtually no stability
issues with Vanguard since
second week or so after release.

myris: My comp has zero issues
running [Vanguard]...SOE has
done wonders to fix Sigil's mistakes.

Lunis: There was only ever a
brief period when I had trouble with CTD's and that has been cleared up
a long time ago.

The Bad

Ralsu: Patches that
perform miracles for a
handful of players ruin the gaming experience for others.

nikudada: My laptop...had (and
still has) a slew of problems. Cities were impossible to navigate.

scally: With lack of
...stability with game...I can't recommend this to friends yet.

Raid Content src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_faded.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_faded.gif"> alt=""

The Good

Machail: class="pn-content-page-body">Raid content [currently on the test
server] is a challenge.  A
very big challenge.  The creatures in [Ancient Port Warehouse] are
unlike any
you've seen anywhere else in game.

schroedingercat: [SOE knows]
how to make a good, solid raid encounter.

myris: Raid testing we've done
makes me very excited for the future...GU3 should do wonders for the

The Bad

elf8bliss: This needs to be
added, "Content is king", remember!

Metallikov: There is no raid

Lunis: Not in game.

PvP src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_faded.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon17x17_faded.gif"> alt=""

The Good

myris: Its about as good as you
could hope for in a PvE game.

elf8bliss: I still enjoy it.

(editor's note: I could only find two positive comments among our

The Bad

PokerKid: Couldn't get into it
in Vanguard. No point, no
rewards, no fun.

nikudada: Stupid.

Enscheff: PvP in VG seems to be
exactly what it is--a tacked on system to a great PvE game.

Overall (not an average) src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon35x35_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon35x35_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/tth/reviews/hammerIcon35x35_2.gif"> alt=""
src="http://media.tentonhammer.com/vanguard/gallery/albums/album36/hammerIconHalf35x35.gif"> alt=""

Vanguard rates somewhere
between "so-so" and "I love it" for our site managers and community.
Even players who disagree seem to be able to reach consensus on
strengths (graphics and game play) and weaknesses (raid content and
PvP). Where accounts of the game vary greatly are in the stability.
Those who experience no trouble are able to enjoy the finer points of
the game and recommend it to others. Those who have problems with
crashing and have to turn the graphics settings way down (and sound
off), are a little more hesitant to give the game a thumbs up. Most of
us are still playing because the game just has so much to offer. We're
all hoping that SOE can patch the holes and let the rest of the world
know that Vanguard is a fun

The Bottom Line:

Graphics: 4/5

Sound: 3/5

Game Play: 4/5

Stability: 2.5/5

Raid Content: 2/5

PvP: 2/5

How Do You Rate Vanguard? You
missed the poll, but you can still href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?t=19215">comment
in our forums!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016