Adventure Packs vs. Expansion Packs 02/17/2006

by on Feb 18, 2006

<h1>Adventure Packs vs. Expansion Packs </h1> By:<em> Paul "Slide" Shortt </em> <table border="0" align="right" cellpadding="5"> <tr>

Adventure Packs vs. Expansion Packs

By: Paul "Slide" Shortt

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As broad as Norrath is, there must always be more content. Players wouldn’t stick around if there wasn’t. In the world of massively multiplayer online games (MMOG) this is the way to keep a game fresh, keep players paying for a subscription and ultimately adding to the game’s diversity. EverQuest 2 is no exception.

Over the past year and few months EQ2 subscribers have been exposed to a total of two adventure packs and one expansion pack with another on the way. At first this may seem confusing. Why not call them all adventure packs or expansion packs, what makes them different? Let me try and explain.

An adventure pack is usually a ‘download only’ add-on to the full version of the game. The cost is generally under 10 bucks and gives players access to a new zone with new items and quests related to the storyline.

An expansion pack is made available for purchase in retail stores, although this isn’t the only case any longer. These are now being offered for download at a slightly discounted price. Generally speaking, the cost of expansion packs is around 25-35 dollars.

Now that you understand the intrinsic differences between the two, you might be asking yourself, “Should I buy one or the other or both and why?” Of course the answer is only a matter of opinion, so I’ll give you some information that might help you make that paramount decision whether you’re new to MMOs or not.

Pros and Cons of Adventure Packs VS. Expansion Packs


Obviously this is one of the more important aspects of buying one pack or the other. As mentioned above, Adventure Packs are going to be cheaper by a good 20 dollars. Of course you will need a credit card to purchase the adventure pack online, so make sure all you kiddies out there ask your parents first.
If you happen to have a “Station Access” account, the Bloodline Chronicles adventure pack is free.

Who are they for?

Both Adventure and Expansion packs usually have a target audience in respect to a players level. While one might be able to access the zone(s), certain quests and items may be very difficult to obtain unless you are in the level range of the pack’s recommended level.

For example, Desert of Flames, an expansion pack, was most definitely created for players who are level 45 and up. Does this mean that a brand new player with a level 10 character can’t buy the expansion? No. As a matter of fact you can wander around all of the zones for as long as you want. However, the chance of survival will be very slim. The Bloodline Chronicles (adventure pack) was created for players level 30 to 45. The up and coming expansion, Kingdom of Sky, will probably cater to players between level 55 and 70.

There is one exception in this list of add-ons and that is the Splitpaw Saga. This adventure pack actually automatically adjusts to the level of a player’s character upon entering the dungeon for an even challenge. A player is even given the option to increase the level of difficulty. This is the only thing that gives the Eq2 adventure packs the edge in this category.


Expansion packs definitely get the nod in this category. The actual physical size of an expansion pack can include many initial zones, zones within zones and zones within more zones. Even whole cities can be included in these packs. With more physical size comes more content too including quests and items.
Adventure packs, which can be expansive in their own right, just can’t compare. They give out a ‘one zone’ feel.

Development Time and Quantity

While this doesn’t directly affect a player, this could effect how the end product looks and plays. Obviously the time spent is greater in the development of an Expansion pack. They tend to coincide directly with huge live updates used to enhance the play of said pack. This tends to spell doom for many players who cry “nerf”. The changes brought on by these live updates in conjunction with Expansion Packs may bring major changes for player classes and game mechanics and once people have found a comfortable groove, they don’t like things changed. Visit the Sony EverQuest 2 message boards after one of these updates hit and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

Adventure packs tend to enter in a quieter manner. While there may be certain functions that don’t work correctly upon release or abnormalities caused by “bugs”, the chance that they will cause less grief among the community is much higher.

In closing I would like to recommend that you all research these packs to find out if it is truly something you can use right away. As a new player, you probably won’t be seeing much of the Desert of Flames expansion pack, so you might want to wait on your purchase until you get into a comfortable playing style or appropriate level.
Adventure packs are the same way, but I personally don’t mind throwing less than 10 dollars at the opportunity to explore new areas. You may want to wait and get some feedback on the add-ons before buying. But HEY! If you must have every in game item and quest no matter what, then go for it!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016