Age of Conan Crafting Portal

by on Jul 24, 2008

<body> <div align="center"> &nbsp;<h3><font color="#FFFF00">Crafting Classes</font></h3> <table border="0" width="600" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="464">


Crafting Classes


Master of all things consumable, the Alchemist is the class that
nearly all players rely upon to make us better and stronger as
fighters. They create food, drink, and various potions that not only
give us a boost while we are resting, but also give us a valuable
aid in combat.

Alchemist Recipes: Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4


The Architect is
the brains behind our buildings and siege equipment.  They
produce the plans and resources to produce our beautiful guild
cities and our much needed siege equipment so that we may protect
our lands and wage successful war against our enemies.

Architect Recipes: Tier 1


I think most us of will agree that rushing into battle pantless is
unwise.  Thankfully, because of the Armorsmith, we don't have
to!  This class is responsible for putting the
clothes on our back that protect us against the foul creatures that
would tear through your skin otherwise.  Not to mention
allowing us to look quite dangerous and dashing for the ladies.

Armorsmith Recipes: Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4


Being the best that you can be in battle is not just about what you wear and what you eat,
it's also about the enhancements! The Gemcutter's job is to create the magical items that
provide our gear with special properties. The end result is equipment that might appear to be
ordinary, but these gems truly make them extraordinary!

Gemcutter Recipes: Tier 1 Tier 2


A resident of Hyboria is nothing without their weapon. Whether it be a blade, dagger, staff, or
spear, the Weaponsmiths of the land put into our hands the tool that we use to protect ourselves
and our allies. Quality weapons often mean the difference between defeating our foe or being defeated,
so never under estimate the need for this crafting class!

Weaponsmith Recipes: Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016