Alliance Northrend Leveling Guide - Level 71 - Part 2

by on Dec 31, 2008

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You can find the crates that you need for Dirty Stinkin Snobolds north of the airstrip throughout the hills. You can find them starting at about 54,16 and north of that point.

Make your way to the top of the hill and find a opening around 55,12. This opening allows you to drop down to the bottom of the cave into a pool of water. It is a lot easier than fighting your way down and then turning around and fighting your way back up through the respawns. At the bottom you will find Donker Togglevot who gives you the escort quest Get Me Outa Here!

Escort him up the ramp and out of the cave, collecting any other crates that you still need to complete the quest. The respawn rate on the ramp is insanely fast, so keep moving. Once you are at the top, defend him against the last 2 creatures that spawn until you get the message that the quest has been completed. Then return to the airstrip.

Turn in Dirty Stinkin Snobolds, and Get Me Outa Here. At this point you can get Just a few more Things, however unless you can get an overcharged capacitor from an engineer for cheap, skip it. If you can, then you just need to collect a few other parts out in the fields. However the capacitor usually goes for more than the quest reward, so it's best to just skip it.

Travel south to survey the sinkholes found at: Northwest sinkhole 66,32, Northeast sinkhole 69,32, and the southern sinkhole at 70,36.

Return to the airstrip to turn in Scouting the Sinkholes and get Fueling the Project. Take the portable oil collector just south east of the airstrip around 57,24 to collect oil from the oil slicks on the water.

Return to the Airstrip again to turn in the quest and get A Bot in Mammoth's Clothing. This has you travel just south west of the airstrip onto the plain around 53,20. You can slay any of the mammoths for a chance at the drop, even the babies, despite the quest alluding to the need for skins from the largest mammoths.

Turn in the hides at the Airstrip to complete the quest and get the follow up Deploy the Shake-n-Quake! Return to the south sinkhole to use the controller at 70,36. When you do Lord Kryxix will spawn, so you should clear the area first to ensure you have space to fight him in.

Since you are far south anyway, keep going south to the town of Kas'Kala and the quest NPC's at 63,36. There you can turn in Cowards and Fools and get the quests Not Without a Fight, The Son of Karkut, and Preparing for the Worst.

Move through the town slaying the Kvaldir Raiders that are there and collecting the supplies from the baskets on the ground.

Turn in both quests and get Muahit's Wisdom. To finish this simply swim out to the ice float with the stones in the bay by running down the dock. Elder Muahit can be found at 67,54. Turn in the quest and get Spirits Watch Over Us.

The body of Iruk can be found back towards the mainland in the water a little way down at 67,50.

Acquire the item from Iruks body and then return to Elder Muahit who will give you the quest The Tides Turn. To complete this you must slay Heigarr the Horrible just a few steps behind Muahit at 67,56. Once slain, turn in the quest the the elder.

Travel east along the coast until you get to the town of Unu'pe and get the flight point found at 78,51. Use this flight point to return to the airstrip to turn in Deploy the Shake-n-Quake.

Now move west along the pathways that lead to the coast. While traveling towards the next little quest hub in the zone, you will come across the area called the Charred Rise. This is one of the best grinding spots in the zone as you can find both fire and water elementals here that spawn on a very fast timer. Better yet they drop crystallized water and crystallized fire on what seems like a 20-30% drop rate. 10 crystallized elements become an Eternal element and these sell for a significant amount on the auction house as they are used for almost all professions. It is well worth your time to grind here any time you want some experience and gold. Any time you fall behind in experience for this guide, due to lack of rested experience or lack of killing other creatures, you should return here.

Find King Mrgl-Mrgl along the coast at the end of the path. It turns out he is a man in a murloc suit who provides the quest Learning to Communicate. The story line for the quest is quite entertaining and should be read as you complete the quests here at the coast.

Swim down in the water at 42,16 to find and slay Scalder the water elemental and then use the conch that King Mrgl-Mrgl provided. Once done return to him and he will give you the follow up Winterfin Commerce.

Swim across to the coast of Coldarra to Winterfin Village at roughly 41,15. Here you can collect the clams along the ground and slay the various winterfin murlocs for a chance of them dropping additional clams. Once you have the required number return to the other coast and turn them in to Ahluglgr at 43,13.

Two additional quests will become available now, Them!, and Oh Noes, The Tadpoles. Both can be completed by once again swimming across to Winterfin Village. You need to slay any of the winterfin and free the baby murlocs found trapped in the cages. When you free the babies they follow you around for a short period of time. Once done both quests swim back to turn them in.

You can now talk to King Mrgl-Mrgl again who will explain that he is Being Blackmailed by my Cleaner. You need to do here is go down the beach to 41,12 to find Mrmrgimr and to get Succulent Orca Stew, and Grmmurggll Mrllggrl Glrggl!

Swim out towards 39,9 while slaying any orcas that you see to collect the meat from them. Once at 39,9 you will see Grrggl swimming around the area. It is a giant orca that must be slain and collect the head from it. Once you have the head and enough meat return to Mrmrgimr.

Mrmrgimr will then give you the spare suite that you can take back to King Mrgl-Mrgl to complete Being Blackmailed by my Cleaner and get the follow up Surrender... NOT!.

The King will provide you with his space Murloc suit and ask you to swim across once again the the winterfin village and make your way to the cave found there. Once in the village you can wear his suit and sneak by all the enemies to the back of the cave at 37,26 to find and slay Claximus.

Turn in Surrender... NOT! to King Mrgl-Mrgl.

At this point you should be at or very near level 72. If you are not, I suggest grinding out some experience in the area while collecting eternal fires or waters. Once you have reached level 72 return to the Airstrip and then fly south to Unu'pe to prepare for finishing one last quest chain before we move east out of the zone.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016