Amumu Tips and Tricks

by on Apr 30, 2015

Top 5 tips and Tricks for playing League of Legend's sad mummy.

The sad mummy Amumu has been a popular choice for League of Legends players since he first came out years ago. His tanky stats, individual and crowd control CC, and AoE damage abilities make him perfect for launching surprise attacks and holding down important champions during team fights. Comboing these abilities correctly can leave the enemy team completely locked down for sever seconds, more than enough time for your team to mop them up.

While mastering Amumu is not as difficult as some of other, more skill shot oriented champions there are some things to keep in mind after you lock him up in champion select.

Amumu is an Amazing Ganker

Without a doubt, Amumu is one of the best gankers in the game, especially once he hits level 6. For starters, his bandage toss not only hits the enemy champ for a good deal of damage, it also snares them for a short period of time while Amumu launches himself right on top of them.

When ganking try to use the cover of the bushes as much as possible to increases the odds of you landing your bandage toss. If the enemy has a dash or flash, it might also be a good idea to use your ult to make sure they’re locked down while your teammate comes in for the kill.

Get into the Thick of it

All of Amumu’s abilities are tailored for being at the center of fights. Both his “W” and “E” do area of effect damage in a radius around him plus his ultimate, which is arguably the most powerful AoE crowd control in the game.

When a team fight breaks out it’s your job to get into the center of the fight lock down the enemies with your ultimate, and do as much damage as you can with Despair and Tantrum. Just like when you’re ganking, the best way to initiate a team fight is with a well placed Bandage Toss, so always be looking for champions to catch unawares.

Escaping with Bandage Toss

The great thing about Bandage Toss is that it can also be used as a mode of escape, just as it is used to initiate fights. If you’re on the run from a pack of hostiles, use the bandage toss to leap over walls and other terrain by latching onto minions or jungle camps on the other side. Chances are you’ll make a clean getaway, or at least burn the enemy champs flash as they try to catch you.

Know when not to Bandage Toss

As important as Bandage Toss is to initiate a gank, it’s equally as important to know when not to use it. For example, if you know the enemy champion you’re still has their flash it may be worth seeing if you jumping out of the brush can scare them enough to use it and then Bandage Tossing to them afterwards. That way once you’re on them they have nowhere to go and can be finished off without a problem.

Another good entry to use instead of Bandage tossing into a team fight is the Flash > Ultimate combination. Not only will it immediately put you in the center of the enemy teams formation, you will have your toss available to catch any champions that are trying to run away.

Get enough Mana Regen

Even though Amumu can do a surprising amount of damage when built strictly AP, his real strengths are in his utility. Make sure you are always ready to toss a bandage, or fire off your ult by picking up some mana regen items early on in the game. Despair alone can eat up most of your mana if you forget that you have it activated.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016