An Ancient Desert Power - Scepter of Rahotep

by on Oct 12, 2005

to the Heritage Quest Compendium index!

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You must be level 50 to begin this heritage quest. You'll need a "Piece of Ancient Parchment," a semi-rare dropped from Desert Madment and Lunatics (Level 45-50 in the Sinking Sands & the Pillars of Flame) to begin the quest.

Take the parchment a "Desert Expert in Maj'Dul," which turns out to be Planetologist Ahkar up the first set of stairs you come to in Maj'Dul (on the platform next to the Tower of the Moon). He'll take the parchment, give you his spiel, and send you off to find Harshaa in the Sinking Sands.

In case you were thinking this HQ is all fun, games, and dialogues, be on your guard when you speak to Harshaa at loc -405, +1330. Doing so will spawn three level 50-51 vv mobs. You can probably solo these if you're smart about it, but the smart move is to take a small group. Rough mobs, including a nasty epic, spawn in this area, so be aware.

Talk to Harshaa again to get your next step, which is to slay the Prophet of the Desert, which spawns (occasionally) at an altar near -650, -510. Keep clearing the altar area of desert lunatics until the Prophet spawns; it might take a couple go-rounds so be patient. This is by no means a long camp, and the boss mob isn't very scary: level 49 3-up with 3 henchmen. You'll need a medium-to-large group, however. Examine the altar when you've finished, then return to Harshaa. He'll do his own desert madman impression at this point; so it's back to Planetologist Ahkar for further instructions.

Apparently, some Qeynosians had discovered artifacts that could help you understand what more you need to do. They were savaged by pirates as they attempted to sail away, and Ahkar has a bead on the pirates' booty. Head to Dry Wind point (an island labeled "Pirate's Perch" on your map) with your large group. The crates in question are at -2160, -25... clear out the Samiel Pirates guarding the crate and power up. Take care not to click the boxes, which lead to a special quest instance (i.e. you'll "stow away" aboard a pirate ship).

Now, this is where it gets dicey due to a bug on the next quest update. Reportedly, if you have 4 people on the same quest step, you can proceed as normal, e.g. zone in and work towards clearing the ship. If you have less than four, you'll have a long road to hoe. Have your tank zone in first (or group invis to zone in) to hold off the Marauder then kill the orc when the cavalry arrives. Have whoever got the update (they're now on the "find the key" step) stay inside as everyone else clicks the ship's wheel to zone out. Everyone else should zone in one at a time until everyone is on the "key" step. Once again, it's very important not to kill Lt. Kielmal until everyone has the update to get the "key." Once everyone (everyone working on the quest, that is) is on the same step, clear out the aggro at the bottom of the stairs (out of sight around the corner - you don't want adds), then take out Kielmal. He drops the key you need to make the ship's chest "clickable" for your next update. Once everyone has the update to speak with Planetologist Ahkar, zone out and head back to Maj'Dul.

Ahkar wants you to check with your hometown librarian about some Desert lore, so its time to check with Librarian Dungil in South Qeynos' Mage Tower, or Librarian Zabnolique in North Freeport. Check with them, then head back to Maj'Dul once more to the planetologist. With his blessing go to Sinking Sands: it's time to take on the armies of Rahotep!

Assemble a raid, high level (late 50s-60) tanks and healers and a competent mezzer are (as usual) a must. If your raid consists of mostly low 50s, you'd better bring a 3rd "outside" raid group to heal, rez, and skirmish with the 4 waves of 10 52-55 x2 mobs that are about to spawn just north of the Twin Tears (take a carpet ride from the docks!). Inform everyone that it's absolutely mission critical that the last mob of every wave be mezzed long enough for everyone to recover mana and health for the next wave, especially on the last wave. After the fourth wave, you'll be facing off with Rahotep in all his level 55 epic x2 glory. Rahotep executes a complete mana/health regen when he hits 30% health, so perhaps you could stifle like crazy when his health bar turns orange and save yourself a lot of trouble.

When Rahotep is down, head back to Ahkar to claim your reward!

The Scepter of Rahotep

Min level 50, fighter / priest only +10 STR, +6 STA, +15 WIS, +36 health, +36 power Damage rating: 24.8 Delay 1.8 seconds / Damage 79-238

Note: Thanks to Taea for Corrections

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016