Anti's Combat Guide

by on Nov 06, 2006

EVE Online isn't just about flying circles around your target with guns ablazing...

EVE Online isn't just about flying circles around your target with guns ablazing... a lot of thought has to go into what equipment you fit to your ship to ensure success in combat, whether it's Player versus Player or Player versus Environment. Join Chris "Antithysis" Weidler, our resident scribe and avowed EVE Pirate (Yarrr!) as he describes some of the basics of what it takes, ship-wise, to survive in EVE combat.

Anyone who takes a month to train the skills can fly a battleship, but without combat experience, you will about as effective as someone who tries to stop a semi-truck with a roll of gauze (no offence Macgyver). Let’s take a look at how to fit a ship for any given task, and what types of ships/setups work better in different situations.

Put away your mining barge and fire up the Thorax!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016