Arms Talent Guide

by on Sep 08, 2007

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Arms Talent Guide

This arms talent guide will let you know which of the arms talents you should go for, and which you should pass up unless you're going full into this tree, which is never really recommended since having points into Fury or Protection really help you out in the long run. We will go over each talent, analyze what it does, and why you would or wouldn't want it.

Return to the new Warrior Talent Guide. The Warrior Talent Guide will link you to all 3 different Talent builds and explain how they work, and why you would ever need or use them, including important talents to pick up as well as often ignored ones.

Tier 1

Tier 1 is available at level ten, when your first talents open up.

Improved Heroic Strike

Max 3 Points, This talent makes your Heroic Strike ability cost less Rage to use.

This is a good talent to have in your early levels since you can use Heroic Strike more often, however, once you can get other talents like Mortal Strike, this should be omitted further (if you're going for it). If you don't plan on having Mortal Strike, this talent is worth a look at.

Good for non-Arms builds


Max 5 points. Increases your chances to parry attacks. If you're going to be tanking instances or generally using defensive stance a lot, get this talent as it is very necessary for it.

Great for defensive warriors and/or people who want to take less damage

Improved Rend

Max 3 points, Increases the damage done by your rend ability. This ability is great for when you're initially leveling, since adding damage to the DoT you apply with rend is good for lower-end monsters. As you progress further and meet stronger foes, this talent is overshadowed by other more important ones.

Situational, pick this up if you want to PvP and do a bit more damage.

Tier 2

Improved Charge

Max 2 points, Increases amount of Rage generated by the Charge ability.
This talent is great if you have worked Charge into your battle plans, if you find yourself opening with charge a lot against enemies or players, this skill is useful since you can start using your other abilities sooner. It is up to each individual to decide whether they find the extra rage useful or not.


Circumstancial, depending on playstyle.

Improved Thunder Clap

Max 3 points, Reduces the Rage cost, increases damage done, and slowing debuff of Thunder Clap ability.
Slowing enemies down from attacking you or escaping is always a good thing, increasing the damage you do with Thunder Clap is also a plus, and being able to use it more often isn't a bad thing at all. This is a good talent to have.


Iron Will

Max 5 points, increases your chance to resist stun and charms for up to 15% - While this talent may not seem like a lot early on, if you're thinking of doing serious PvP this talent is a must for obvious reasons.

Recommended for the PvP player

Tier 3

Deep Wounds

3 point talent, when you crit you will add a Deep Wounds DoT to the monster you're fighting. As with every bleed effect, several elementals and other monsters will be immune, but if you want to increase your damage against humanoids and other players, this talent is a good pick.


Improved Overpower

Max 2 points, Increases the chance for a Crit when using Overpower ability.
Great talent to have; only 2 points required and it goes really well with deep wounds and impale - this will almost guarantee that every other overpower is a critical strike!


Anger Management

Max 1 point, Generates 1 rage per 3 seconds.

While this may not seem like much, it may be useful if you're having long or drawn out fights, the extra rage will be piling up and helping you do more skills eventualy.


Tier 4


Max 2 points, Increases the amount of damage dealt by a Crit. This talent is a no-brainer if you've gotten its pre-requisite, deep wounds, so making your crits deal more damage is even better!


Two-Handed Weapon Specialization

Max 5 points, Increases the damage done with two-handed weapons by 1% per point you invest. Needless to say, this is a talent you will be wanting if you're going to be dealing DPS a lot, otherwise, there's better places you can spend your points in.

Recommended for 2 Handed Weapon Fans

Tier 5

Sweeping Strikes

1 point, next five melee attacks attack an additional enemy if one is in range. Hitting more than one enemy is good for a warrior especially if you accidentally pulled the second one, this is a prerequisite for mortal strike and also a good talent to have.


Sword Specialization

Max 5 points, Gives you a chance to get an extra attack on the same target after dealing damage with your Sword.

This is a great talent for leveling or generally dealing damage. While not as specialized as maces or poleaxes, this is a good overall weapon choice given the chance to proc an extra attack. Great for PvE, but too unreliable for PvP

Good for PvE

Mace Specialization

Max 5 points, Gives you a chance to stun your target for 3 sec with a Mace and generate 6 rage. This is one of the PvP talents if you're looking to do Arena - Maces are very valuable within thanks to both the stun possibility and the extra rage, where it can be worth the entire match! if you're a fan of stunning your enemies to interrupt what they're doing, get this.

Recommended for PvP

Poleaxe Specialization

Max 5 points, Increases your chance to get a critical strike with Axes and Polearms.

While Maces are a popular choice with most PvP warriors, others pick high damage dealing axes or polearms to fight, if you're more of a DPS warrior who likes seeing big numbers and crits, this is the talent for you.

Recommended for PvE DPS or PvP

Tier 6

Improved Disciplines

3 point talent, Reduces the cooldown on your Retaliation, Recklessness, and Shield Wall abilities and increases their durations.

This is a good talent to obtain if you use the aforementioned skills often, it depends on the player's playstyle and choice of abilities.


Improved Hamstring

3 point talent, Gives your Hamstring ability a chance to immobilize the target for 5 sec.

Perfect talent for the PvP crowd, completely immobilizing an enemy? what more could a warrior ask for? if you plan on PvPing a lot, get this talent!

Recommended for PvPers

Weapon Mastery

2 Point talent - Increases skill with all weapons and increases chance to resist disarm effects.

While the description may sound underwhelming, remember that the higher the skill with your weapon the less you get glancing blows, as well that when maxed, you have 100% chance to resist being disarmed!


Tier 7

Blood Frenzy

2 point talent, Your Rend and Deep Wounds abilities also increase all melee damage to that target.

Great talent if you've come this far, as you probably have both abilities working for you by now, extra damage dealt when they have this debuff is a great aid for you when you're trying to finish them quickly!


Second Wind

1 point talent, Whenever you are struck by a Stun or Immbolize effect you will generate rage and a percentage of your total health.

One of the, if not the best PvP support talent there is, everyone knows that to be successful in PvP you have to use stuns to great effect or atleast immobilize your enemy in some way, so chances are you will be seeing this one go off often, extra rage and health regen only work in your favor!

Highly Recommended for PvP

Mortal Strike

1 point, An instant attack that delivers weapon damage plus 85, at Rank 1, and reduces any healing effects by half for 10 seconds.
This is the most devastating Talent a warrior can get if used correctly - not only is your damage bumped up by mere weapon damage, you will also be cutting healing effects on your target for 10 seconds! If you're using a big DPS 2-handed weapon and go for Mortal Strike, you will be dealing massive damage to your opponents!

Must Have

Tier 8

Improved Mortal Strike

5 point talent, Reduces the cooldown of your Mortal Strike ability by 1 second and increases its damage by up to 5%.

Letting you use Mortal Strike up to 1 second sooner and giving it more damage is great, although its use is debateable in non-PvP situations since 1 second is not that big of a deal and 5% extra damage won't really be noticeable

Great for PvP

Tier 9

Endless Rage

1 point, causes the warrior to generate 25% more rage from melee damage dealt.
Many warriors in the community believe this is the weakest tier 9 talent in their trees, and while they may be right, extra rage is always welcome by some warriors. This talent will not proc if you're receiving damage, only by dealing it.

This is a passive ability. If you have 40 points already in Arms, throw a point in here to obtain more rage for continued attacks.



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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016