Bag Guide Update

by on Jan 31, 2007

With all the changes to bags with the Burning Crusade we thought it was time for an update. Not sure what changed?

With all the changes to bags with the Burning Crusade we thought it was time for an update. Not sure what changed? For starters bigger bags and more profession bags are available. Check it all out in the guide.

At no time during the game will you feel the need for a bag moreso than in the first 10 levels, especially if you don't get some high-level help with coin or bags. If you lack a sugar daddy (or mommy), no worries; just remember to sell off unneeded items every time you're near a vendor and you'll be fine. Really, all bags do is extend your time in the field and, until you leave the "newbie garden," this really shouldn't be an issue.

You can check it all out in our Bag Guide Update.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016