Cataclysm Raid Composition

by on Feb 17, 2011

Building a raid for success in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm requires you to juggle a variety of factors including loot, classes, and cooldowns.</br><blockquote>Your tanks are 2 feral druids and your D

Building a raid for success in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm requires you to juggle a variety of factors including loot, classes, and cooldowns.

Your tanks are 2 feral druids and your DPS are 3 casters, a Hunter and a Rogue. Magmaw drops two awesome two handed strength maces… wait a minute! This situation is an inevitable problem that confronts 10 player guilds that don’t have a balanced ‘loot comp’.

Cataclysm Raid Composition

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016