Chaos Zealot Guide

by on Sep 03, 2008

style="color: rgb(218, 165, 32); font-size: 30pt; font-weight: bold;">Chaos
Zealot Guide

Overview: style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> While we've all made fun
of the early screenshots of the Chaos Zealot who looked like Lemmy from
Motorhead, these fanatics are no laughing matter. The healer class for
the Norse followers of the Raven God, the Zealot is a healing machine.
With strong offensive casting capabilities, their great sense of
fashion (each Zealot has a belt whose buckle is made of of a
human face, possibly right off the skull he holds in his/her left hand
and incredible healing powers, it's not hard to see why this class will
be a popular healer. There may be a reason why the Zealot looks like
Lemmy, because much like the Motorhead song goes, pick this class and
it's time to play "The Game" .
style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">

style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(218, 165, 32);">Strengths:

Zealots can hurl heals and spells from a huge distance, allowing you to
stay out of the thick of things while still doing your job... which is
looking good. Zealots
don't need to be directly in combat to fuel their healing abilities. Zealots
are a good cross between caster and healer. Their offensive spells do
pretty good damage and their heals are, of course, their specialty.

style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(218, 165, 32);">Weaknesses:

Zealots don't have a lot of hit points to begin with
and can be melee'd to death easier than some of the other healers in
the game.
Zealots tend to lack a high level of damage
mitigation, which makes them weaker against physical attacks.
Zealots can run out of power quickly if they're not
careful since they have no mechanic in place that replenishes it on the

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style="font-weight: bold;">Chaos Zealot Quick

Race: Chaos (Humans)


Armor: Cloth

Primary Weapons: Dagger

Primary Stats: Willpower, Intelligence
style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(204, 153, 51);">Mythic's
Official Chaos Zealot Description

"He is Tzeentch! The Changer of Ways! The
Raven God! The Lord of Mutation! He is the master of all that changes,
and the changer of all that remains! His will is Chaos, and all the
creatures of Chaos are but fleeting thoughts in his vast mind!"

– Drang The Preacher, Zealot

The Ruinous
Powers have many gifts to offer their mortal followers and enemies
alike - some of them quite terrible, but some of them powerful indeed.
Zealots are among the most devout of the followers of the gods of
Chaos, and as such it is they who are called upon to convey the will of
the powers to their minions. It is Zealots who mark the followers of
their patron deity, and who are charged with spreading their faith to
the vulnerable and needy masses. They are not the subtle cultist, but
the zealous preachers, and they offer open obedience to their dark

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style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(204, 153, 51); font-size: 15pt;">PvE

The Chaos
Zealot can be an unstoppable force in PvE play. The ability to hit from
long distances and powerful heals that can be used during combat give
the Zealot the space and time he needs to whittle foes down with his
offensive spells. Their powerful healing spells can even help them
outlast multiple attackers and even take down Champion class foes a few
levels lower than they are.

In a group, the Zealot has got what you need baby and he's happy to
give you your healing/buff fix. The first taste is free, but after that
you have to protect him from harm of else he'll cut you off, cold
turkey. Mainly because they'll probably be dead.

style="color: rgb(204, 153, 51); font-weight: bold; font-size: 15pt;">RvR

If the
Zealot was a element on the periodic table of RvR, it would be Ze for
"Zerged". As a Zealot, your ability to cast heavy duty heals from range
as well as do a decent amount of damage with your marks makes you the
#1 target for everyone in RvR, and much like the Pittsburgh Steelers
linebacker core, they love to gang up on you. The key to a long and
healthy life is stay out of combat, but close to the Black Orc and
Chosen tanks. These classes get hooked on having their heal-orin fix
and as such, will usually work to keep you alive.

If you manage to get in combat, you're not totally without a way to
defend yourself. You can do pretty well in one on one by spamming the
heals interlaced with a few specific debuffs and your insta-cast damage
and DoT spells. If you are up against multiple people though, you're in
trouble, so don't stick around and wait for the "Order Friends" to show

style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"
href=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Zealot Abilities | style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"
href=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Zealot Masteries

style="color: rgb(204, 153, 51); font-weight: bold; font-size: 12pt;">

Chaos Zealot Mastery Paths

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style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(204, 153, 51);">Path of
path is all about the healing. You hook players up with the candy that
makes life worth living and now, it's much more potent. While they'll
not be an offensive juggernaut, the player who specializes in the path
of Alchemy will become the healer extraordinaire and be known as "Dr.

of Witchcraft
style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-weight: normal;">: 
Not simply happy to keep others healthy, the follower of this path
wants to cause pain and suffering in mass quantities. The Path of
Witchcraft bolsters the offensive capability of the Zealot and can make
him a stronger caster than healer.
style="font-weight: normal;">

of Ritual

Path of Ritual is about boosting your allies and tearing down your
enemies. Enhancing your buffs and Debuffs, this path gives you sway
over the tide of battle and how quickly it will turn in your favor. All
hail Tzeentch!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016