"Clefts of Rujark" Zone Mini-Guide

by on Nov 06, 2005

<h1>The EverQuest 2 @ TTH &quot;Clefts of Rujark &quot; Zone Mini-Guide </h1> <div align="center"></div> <table border="0" align="right" cellpadding="5"> <tr>

The EverQuest 2 @ TTH "Clefts of Rujark " Zone Mini-Guide

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Ethec, your humble tour guide and fellow adventurer

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(10.24.05) - Guide posted!

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Overview Minimum Level Connecting Zones Quests Soloing Opportunities Opportunities for Groups


**Please note: Clefts of Rujark is part of the Desert of Flames expansion for EverQuest 2. You must have the expansion installed to travel to the Clefts of Rujark.**

The Clefts of Rujark is home of the Rujarkian orcs. The zone is not instanced, nor a dungeon in the traditional "deep, dark, and closed-in" manner, but rather a ragtag, hidden canyon-style orcish outpost that might bring back memories of Crushbone Citadel in EQLive combined with the storyline of "Deathfist Citadel" (minus the lag and tedious instance steps). There's plenty of rooms and caverns to explore, and if you hit the canyon with a group at an off-peak time, the named mobs spawn fast enough to make your trip entirely worthwhile.

Clefts is also where you'll complete a number of faction quests once you get your "in" for the Courts in Maj'Dul. The zone is neatly split into three levels in ascending difficulty, with level one set aside for ~level 50 soloing, and the upper levels intended for level 50+ groups. On the lowest level, you'll find the functional elements necessary for an active war camp: the comissary, a charne / boneyard, storerooms, and the Overseer's Chamber. The second level contains the strategic resources of the Rujarkian orcs: the War Forge, the War Room, the Elite Barracks, and the Treasure Chamber and is guarded accordingly.

Minimum level:

Adventurers level 45+ can safely hunt orcs in the Clefts of Rujark with a group (50+ solo), though the heroic instances inside will require a group of players 50+.

Connecting Zones :

Sinking Sands - You'll enter the Clefts of Rujark through Sinking Sands. Pillars of Flame - DoF's 2nd large adventuring area, one notch higher in difficulty than Sinking Sands with mobs level 55+.

After getting lifts access (see below), you can enter these heroic instances on the upper level.

Scornfeather Roost - An instance (for 50+ groups only) at (-78, -147, third level of CoR) full of named harpies. Lots of good loot and nameds, but due to fear & power drain, bring a backup tank. The Vault of Dust - (-45, -245) A second heroic instance located just past the barracks, northwest on the second level of Clefts of Rujark.


Collection quests:

Details in our Desert of Flames Collection Guide - some collectibles are found in the Clefts of Rujark, and The Tale of the Rujarkian Warrior and The Cleft Dweller tome quests, as well as lots of tome pages, are found in this zone.

Upper Level Access quest:

The Lift Key of Rujark quest should be the first quest you aim to get in Clefts of Rujark. Fight your way in to the Lift at (-4, 49)- click on the lift to get the quest. Next head back to the entrance and turn around. Go to the first place you can hang a left, then a right, and you'll be in the area where the Overseer spawns (level 52 solo, 15 min respawn), who carries the key. Kill him to complete the quest.

Faction quests:

Cleft of Rujark Court of Blades faction quests (attained in the Maj'Dul Court of Blades, unless noted otherwise) include Cleft Scouting The Ashes of Conquest (from Zhar Shabeo just outside the Court of Blades) Clefts of Rujark Creature Cataloguing - all factions (Coin, Blades, and Truth) can get this one. Court of Truth faction quests (attained in the Maj'Dul Court of Blades) in the Clefts of Rujark are Sphinx Hunt The Terrorgore Confrontation (after you've completed The Terrorgore and the Brush with Celebrity quests) Phylacter of Truth - a lengthy quest requiring a CoR ground spawn component.

Other quests:

Shazrazad on the third floor start the Freedom (Rujark) quest. The ultimate goal is to kill an epic x2 mob, Ambassador Vuzur the Blackened. Disciple Shula in the Pillars of Flame will require you to gather three Clefts of Rujark crystal formations in Skills of Char'Gin, part of the Desert of Flames progressive quest which starts in Sinking Sands with Ghassan the Trader and Hides for Ghassan. Examining a Fancy Steel Key dropped by Captive Coin Laborers in the solo area opens The Key of Coins quest. Completion of this quest opens the "treasure room" (-5, -215, second level) , where you can use keys dropped by named mobs throughout the zone to open chests containing small prizes. A starter item dropped from Bladmaster Thul in the upper level starts the Tablets of the Blademaster quest, which ultimately leads to a very nice arena champ. Thanks for reading the TTH EQ2 Clefts of Rujark zone mini-guide! Have an suggestion or addition for this zone guide? Want to see us do a guide for one of your favorite zones? Send it to me and you'll get the credit! Share what you know (or want to know) for everyone to enjoy!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016