Collectibles - The Division

by on Mar 17, 2016

A list of the available collectibles in Tom Clancy's The Division.

The Division’s collectibles are scattered pieces of intelligence that you’ll find all over the city. There are multiple bonuses to be had for those who would seek out these lost relics. For starters they often come with a little backstory that will fill you in on the Division story line in ways that the main missions don’t cover. The other bonus is a nice little bump of experience you’ll receive for each one. Considering all you have to do is pick them up, collectibles are the easiest experience in the game.

There are several different types of collectibles scattered around the map, each of which operates a little differently. Collectibles will appear on your mini-map when you get near them, and some can even be located by syncing with the activity board in the communal area.


Echoes are one of the more entertaining collectibles (if not a bit creepy), and they appear as holographic reconstructions that play out past events. They provide one of the best glimpses into the events that lead up to the fall of New York, and even sometimes lead to side missions that award loot.

Crashed Drones

You will usually find these guys hanging from a wall or light post, but you can’t mistake their signature beeping noise when you get close. When you locate them, destroy them and they will drop a data recording that contains records of the fall of New York and other major events that happened in the city.

Survival Guides

Not only are these guides full of useful tidbits for you the player, they tell the tale of the survivor who wrote them. Look for them in abandoned hideaways and camps.

Missing Agent Files

Sometimes agents don’t come back from the field and when you find one of these missing agent files, you’ll learn the fate of your fallen Division brethren. Some even come with a nice reward for locating them.

Phone Recordings

One of the more frequent pieces of intel you’ll find are phone recordings. They usually just look like a discarded cell phone so they can be easy to overlook. Keep your eyes peeled when travelling through alleys and other off the beaten path locations.

Incident Reports

Incident reports are like the military version of the phone recordings. You can find them in abandoned military outposts and garrisons. They contain the military’s side of how the fall went down which gives an interesting perspective on things, especially on how they tried to contain the threat.

Whether you’re a lore buff, a completionist, or you just want the tangible rewards that come with collectibles, they’re a great little side project that you should undertake when you’re not saving the world from hooded villains.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016