Common Content: Got Class?

by on Sep 18, 2006

<b>Jacking all trades... Is it worth it?</b><p>

Jacking all trades... Is it worth it?

Should hybrids have rights? In this week's common content article Ratboy examines the art of balancing 'jack of all trade' classes against the standard 'holy trinity' of gaming classes. Should the hybrid classes be put in camps to seclude them, or should they be accepted. Ratboy discusses.

Classes in any standard MMO are usually divided amongst the ‘holy trinity’ of classes (Fighter, Healer, Mage) and whatever other classes are added are usually hybrids of these specific classes. The Warhammer World is a good example of a place where classes could be incorporated as singly specified or as having a more broad range of abilities and acting more of a hybrid class. So the question becomes; what is better? Are players who can do a little of everything more practical then the player who has spent his entire gaming career leveling up as just a fighter? Read on and I’ll explain the pitfalls of this scenario.

You can read the entire article by Clicking Here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016