Crafting Levels 10-20 and Beyond

by on Sep 08, 2005

<p>Im assuming that you have read <a href=";file=index&amp;func=display&amp;ceid=582">Tradeskills 1-10</a> and are hovering at tradesk

Im assuming that you have read
1-10 and are hovering at tradeskill level 9 ready to move on to the next

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At level 10 you need to pick a crafting class and then at level 20 you will pick
your sub-class specialization. While these choices used to be permanent, you can
change tradeskill class now but it will reset you back to a level 9 artisan
losing any tradeskill levels and recipes you may have already acquired. To make
the change speak with a Tradeskill Career Counselor in any of the player cities.

Make your choice wisely! Here are your options:

Scholar: As a scholar your choices for future advancement will be
Jeweler, Sage, or Alchemist. These classes, in addition to their general
specialties, are also responsible for crafting spell and combat art
upgrades. Jeweler creates jewelry and accessories as well as journeyman and
expert upgrades for scout class abilities.  Alchemists make the ability
upgrades for fighter classes as well as potions and
poisons. Sages make spells for priests and mages.
Outfitter: Outfitters do just that, outfit people. Tailor will make cloth armors
(light and very light) and bags. Armorcrafters make Plate and chain armors
for the big tanking guys. Weaponcrafters make metal weapons: swords, daggers,
Craftsman:  Here you have your provisioners, who make food and
drinks. Woodworkers, these are the people who make wooden
weapons such as arrows, batons, staves, wands, shields.
Carpenters are the folks who will make furniture and boxes, (the kind
for your bank vault or inn room vault, heavy items but more slots)

Which class you choose will depend on what strikes your interest. Each class has
its money-making potential at higher tiers so you may want to pick a class that
will benefit you personally (a mage that chooses to be a sage can make their own
spell upgrades) or you might want to decide upon a profession that will fill a
need within your group of friends or your guild. You can also pick up a
secondary profession that
has all its own rewards and troubles. Once you have decided, it is
time to get back to work!

Now that you are equipped with the basics, it all comes down to getting your
crafter leveled. Unfortunately, there isn't much use in EverQuest II for low
level crafters. Most of the playerbase is at or around level cap so the best
course of action is to level as quickly as possible to start reaping the rewards
as soon as possible. If you're in a guild that has the benefit of the guild hall
and amenities, make use of the gathering NPCs to save the long process of
gathering. Also make good use of the tradeskill tasks. These award additional
experience over the typical experience of just crafting items. Check your /claim
window for any tradeksill potions. These are awesome if you're spending hours
just crafting. Make certain you have everything you need on hand, pop your
potion, then get ready to level up quickly!

The lower levels go by quickly and while nothing you craft at this stage is very
valuable, hang on to anything you might be able to use yourself, particularly
things like bags, furniture, or rare creations.

Once you have chosen your sub-class, you should start visiting the nifty little
specialties of your profession. Gathering rares and making more valuable items
is something fun to practice with in the mid levels and great for newbie players
who usually can't find anything good on the broker. These rares can be used for
a wide variety of things and each tradeskill class can use them. You can find
out which rares you can use and how to get your hands on some in our
Harvesting Rares Guide.

At higher levels, you'll find that you may end up only crafting with rares. For
the classes who create spell and combat art upgrades, for example, the demand
for expert quality spells is high and these spells require rare components. As a
crafter, you can either keep the rares on hand yourself and charge your clients
for their fair market cost when they commission spell upgrades or you can
request that they provide the rare component themselves. For those who do not
wish to work as commissioned crafters, you can simply make the items that seem
to be in demand on the broker and put them up for sale without ever having to
deal with the buyers yourself.

Commissioning work is an excellent way to make a living. Sometimes players are
looking for something special or something they don't generally find on the
broker which is when they might seek out a crafter for help. If you are looking
for work, you can flag your character for this in your Persona window. Click the
Options tab and there you will find the various flags available. Check the
Looking for Work box and this will make you searchable and will add a visible
tag next to your name alerting players that you are available to commission.

The commission system was added at the time Echoes of Faydwer launched and it
brought with it protection and safety for both crafters and buyers as well as
gives the ability to craft no-trade items for other players. Niami over at
Traders Corner
has a excellent step-by-step guide that will walk you through
the process completely but basically you provide the work and the customer
provides the coin and materials and you don't have to worry about anyone flaking
out on their end of the deal. If you intend to craft a lot for other players,
you will want to learn it, use it, and love it!

Now that all the hard choices have been made, crafting is pretty much the same
from level 20 all the way through to level 90. We hope crafting brings you much
joy and coin!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016