Dark Elf Blackguard - 08.25.07

by on Aug 26, 2007

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Untitled Document

Warhammer Online Career Info:

Dark Elf Blackguard

Official Information from EA Mythic

“The Black Guard is the embodiment of brutish, shear bloody-minded violence. They are encased in phenomenal amounts of armor and wield the biggest, evilest, bad*** weapons they can find. Their job is to find the enemy and kill ‘em. They are basically very, very dangerous, really hard to kill, and when they get close to you they deal out tons of damage. The more they hate you, the more damage and misery they will pile upon you. And you know what? They hate everybody, all the time, forever!”
– Paul Barnett, Creative Director

Career Overview

Defensive Melee / Tank Archetype Malekith’s personal guards Wield Halberds  Core Mechanic: Hatred


Taken from the following TenTonHammer Article: Warhammer High Elf and Dark Elf Class Information Revealed at Leipzig

On to the Dark Elves; the first class shown was the Black Guard. These are Malekith’s personal body guard and able to combine the martial prowess with a complete disregard for life as we know it. “Psychopaths with halberds,” was how Paul described them. They are the Dark Elf tank class and wield huge halberds of destruction.


You can see the video of what being a Blackguard is all about here



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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016