DCUO Powerset Loadout Guide - Mental

by on Jan 28, 2011

<p> <img border="0" src="http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/94683" width="500" height="150"></p>

Deciding to go the route of the Mental powerset in DC Universe Online is a
fairly brave move.  While still a contender as a solo class with some
damage ability, Mental powers clearly shine as a group and PvP class with
impressive controller potential.  If you have picked up a Mental powerset
character and aren't quite sure what to do with it, believe me, you are not
alone.  This powerset has a bit of a learning curve but with a little
knowledge, you can have lightening in a bottle with this class.

The first thing you need to know about the Mental powerset is that it is
focused primarily on ranged powers.  This means when you create your Mental
super hero or villain, you will want to choose a weapon skill that compliments
it.  Dual pistols or bow are two weapon sets that work well with the Mental
powerset, both allowing you more tools to keep enemies at a distance which is
pretty important for a controller class.  If you have chosen a close-range
melee weapon skill to go with Mental, it might be a good idea to re-roll
otherwise you might be in for a rocky ride.

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"Also, I can kill you with my brain." River Tam has
nothing on you.

Like all of the powersets, Mental has the two trees in which you choose your
powers.  Telekinesis is where most of your damage powers will come from. 
It offers some direct damage and a few AoEs.  Illusion is the second trait
tree and this one will hold many of your controller powers such as fears and
stuns.  Whichever role you are in, you will want a mix of both but some
powers are definitely more geared towards specific needs.

Damage Dealers

If you are looking for a straight on damage powerset, Mental is probably not
what you are looking for.  Mental powers can do reasonable damage, but
there are other powersets that fill the damage role much better.  Certainly
every Mental player will want to be in the damage role from time to time though,
so there are a few powers that you will want to have on your loadout.  Even
in a damage role, you'll also want to have a basic control power on board. 
Even one as simple as Telekinesis will hold your target long enough to
blast off a couple of damage powers without having to worry about taking damage.
At higher levels, Mass Levitation is really nice since it works on more
than one target. Once you have one control power on your loadout, you can fill
the rest with the Ka-Boom. 

Starting out, Psychic Blades and Psychic Resonance are your
best damage powers. As you gain in level, you will probably end up using these a
little less, though Psychic Blades is still pretty cool especially at close
range on a single target. Later on you'll want to add Pyrokinesis and
Telekinetic Bolt. Pyro does some very nice damage and will be a viable power
even at level 30.  You'll also want to set aside some room for your 50%
supercharge power Bolt Barrage. If you use your weapon skills a lot,
you'll be surprised how often you can use your supercharge power and it offers
amazing damage.  From the Illusions traits, pick up either Phantom
Flames or Psychic Shock to round out your damage loadout.

Looking for Mental Controller info? Find it on the next page!


Mental powersets really shine in the controller role.  Not only will
groups just love you, but you can also be a formidable opponent in PvP. 
Just team up with a hardcore damage dealer and double team those unsuspecting
suckers.  With so many controller powers to choose from, it might be hard
just to pick six!

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Illusion shurikens are soo much scarier.

Even the best controller will need to do damage every now and again. 
You can pick from any of the damage powers listed above but if I were to be able
to only pick one to use, I'd go with Pyrokinesis.  You can also go
full out controller powers and rely on your weapon skills for damage which will
also work but it's kind of nice to have some damage power in your lineup. 
First, if you're playing in groups more often than not, you will want to pick up
Psychic Empowerment. It restores power to your most fatigued players in
your group. There has been a lot speculation that this power is a little broken
at the time of writing this guide, but once working as intended it will be a
group must have. Bastion is another group power that will protect three
of your teammates which is a nice lifesaver.

A favorite controller power on the
telekinesis trait tree is Cryokinesis.  It roots the enemies around
your target which is essential when your being attacked by a group of mobs. 
From the illusion traits, Terrorize is a good single target fear. Also
make room for Menace, which lengthens the amount of time your targets are
immobilized while you are in the controller role and should always be up while
actively in this role.  Finally, keep Psychic Shield on our loadout.
This power will protect your groupmates from damage but it is a 100% supercharge
ability so it works mostly as a "Oh crap!" sort of power.  It's definitely
nice to have when you need it, but you may not use it all that much.

The Mental powerset may be challenging to play, but it can be very rewarding,
especially at level cap when groups and PvP are the primary content.  If
you have a Mental character and have found that magical loadout, be sure to stop
by our forums and share it with other budding Mentalists!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016