DDO Top 10: Reasons to Play a Bard

by on Jun 13, 2006

<h1 style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">DDO Top 10: Reasons to Play a Bard</h1> <span style="font-style: italic;">by Ralsu</span><br> <br> Bard is one of those fun classes that's easy to learn but difficult to master. <table border="0" cellpadding="

DDO Top 10: Reasons to Play a Bard

by Ralsu

Bard is one of those fun classes that's easy to learn but difficult to

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Bards develop decent combat prowess, a smattering of arcane
spells, basic healing tactics, and a sizable number of skill points.
What's so great about being a bard? Well, read my Top 10 Reasons to
Play a Bard (in no particular order) and find out! When you're done,
hop over to our href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=139">Bard
Portal to learn more about the class. And be sure to to check out
our bard href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=152">Custom
Builds while you're at it!


You can build
a bard for melee, casting, healing, crowd control, or any combination
of those roles. If you get bored with a character who does the same
thing constantly, you'll be pleased with the bard.


Bards get
invitations to join a party quickly. The ability to learn cure spells
and the buffs from Bardic Music make everyone love bards. And who
doesn't want to be loved?


Bards retain
their usefulness all the way to level cap. With a fair balance of
melee, healing arts, and arcane magic, bards can find a way to help at
any level. It's nice to feel useful


Unlike a
fighter who has trouble hitting an air elemental or a wizard who can't
find a spell that will work on a golem, a bard will always be able to
contribute to a fight. He can cast spells on the elemental and attack
the golem with his weapons.


With a large
number of skill points at each level and with the majority of skills
available as class skills, the bard can learn to do most anything. You
can finally be that guy at the party who can play guitar style="font-style: italic;">and belch the alphabet!


The sheer
number of choices available for a bard build means you can build your
bard to be distinctly different. Moreover, you can play more than one
bard and get a different feel with each one. You could use all of your
character slots on your server for different bard build and get a
viable character with each one!


Bards make
their mark from Level 1 with Bardic Music. You don't need to gain a few
levels to get to "the meat" of a bard. You'll feel the identity of a
bard clearly with just one level.


Bard class
skills transfer well to just about any other class. No matter how you
seek to multiclass, a level of bard (or two or three or four) will fit
in perfectly.


don't have to use a tavern to prepare spells. If your bard knows a
spell, she can have it assigned to a hotkey. It's as simple as that.
The bard is a master mechanic able to use any of her tools at any given


A bard makes
all members of his party better though his music. He can inspire more
damage and a higher BAB. He can boost saves vs. fear. He can even use
his music to overpower monsters. Finally, he can boost Skills.

do you enjoy most about the bard?
Tell us in our forums!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016