Death Knight Guide to Utgarde Keep

by on Apr 11, 2009

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style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"> style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">As
a Death Knight in Utgarde Keep there are a few thinks to keep in
mind.  What those things are really depends on what you are
doing in the keep, either tanking or DPSing. Overall though Utgarde
Keep is a fairly straight forward instance, and as such does not
require anything super special from any specific class.

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">Tanking

There are two big things to keep in mind while tanking in
Utgarde Keep.  The first is that most groups of enemies
contain a caster or two.  You can identify them easily by
targeting the ones with mana bars.   When tanking
them you have two options, you can either make sure you engage them
first at distance and then move into the group and down them first, or
you do the more Death Knight method and Death Grip them.  The
second is my favourite way to deal with them.  Stand back at
range, use Death Grip to pull the caster into combat, and then drop a
Death & Decay to get threat on all the other enemies that rush
forward to help their friend. 

The second big thing to keep in mind is to always keep the
drakes faced away from your party members. The drakes in the keep act
as normal dragons and have an AoE breath attack to the front. 
This means you should always grab them and turn them away from your

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">DPS

No matter your DPS build in Utgarde Keep there are a few
things to remember.  In general the Keep does not have many
large groups of creatures so while AOE can add some damage, it's
generally single target damage.  The biggest group in the
instance is 5 creatures and most pulls are 3.  On the larger
pulls make sure you give the tank a little time to get threat and then
keep Death & Decay up for maximum damage.  On the
small pulls make sure you go after the casters first as the generally
cause the tanks the most issues.  When you see casters doing
something, have Mind Freeze or Strangulate ready to shut them down.

Other than those few things, Utgarde Keep is a fairly straight
forward instance to tank or DPS as a Death Knight.  Just keep
threat on everything if you’re a tank, or do massive damage
if you’re DPS.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016