Destiny 2: Best Weapons To Get Before Shadowkeep

by on Sep 23, 2019

You'll want to get these weapons before Shadowkeep, to have the best start.

There's loads of weapons in Destiny 2, but some are unquestionably better than others. There's a handful that most players have agreed are must-haves when the Shadowkeep expansion launches, as most - as far as the community are concerned - look set to define the meta. The weapons you should be looking out for, and covered brilliant by KackisHD, are:

1:30 Autorifles (Breakneck/Age-Old Bond)

4:04 for Bows (Arsenic Bite)

4:53 for Handcannons (Spare Rations/Rose/Austringer)

6:45 for Pulse Rifles (Redrix's Claymore/Redrix's Broadsword/Outlast)

9:24 for Scout rifles (No Feelings/Oxygen SR3)

11:05 for Sniper Rifles (Sole Survivor)

13:04 for SMG's (The Recluse)

14:08 for Perks

Last Updated: Sep 23, 2019