Diablo 3 Patch 2.3 Barbarian Hammer GR 50+ Guide

by on Sep 07, 2015

It's time to hammer your enemies into submission!

If you're looking for a Diablo III Barbarian build that dishes out billions of damage like it's no big deal, look no further! We'll detail exactly what gear and skills you need to take on Greater Rift 50 and beyond with ease. The video has been separated into two parts. In the first video, we'll go over exactly what gear you should be looking for, as well as the skill build. The second video will show the build in action, so you can get a taste of what the gameplay will feel like. Enjoy!


Gear and Skills






For those interested in just taking a quick look at the skill build, you can do so right here.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016