Druid - Trainers

by on Dec 20, 2005

<div style="width:590px; height:128px; background-image:url('http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/76590');"></div> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td><h2>Trainers</h2> Below is a list of Druid Trainers, and the areas they are i


Below is a list of Druid Trainers, and the areas they are in. They have been separated into Horde, Alliance and weapon trainers. As with every otehr class, all the trainers are found in the World of Azeroth, you can not find trainers in the Outlands.



Trainer Name! Trainer Location!

Denatharion Cenarion Enclave – Darnassus Fylerian Nightwing Cenarion Enclave – Darnassus Mathrengyl Bearwalker Cenarion Enclave – Darnassus Mardant Strongoak - Shadowglen Kal Dolanaar - Teldrassil Golhine the Hooded Talonbranch Glade - Felwood Maldryn The Park - Stormwind Sheldras Moontree The Park - Stormwind Theridran The Park - Stormwind


Trainer Name! Trainer Location!

Sheal Runetotem Elder Rise - Thunder Bluff Turak Runetotem Elder Rise - Thunder Bluff Kym Wildmane Elder Rise - Thunder Bluff Gart Mistrunner

Camp Narache - Red Cloud Mesa

Gennia Runetotem Bloodhoof Village - Mulgore Jannos Lighthoof Camp Mojache - Feralas Loganaar Nighthaven - Moonglade

Weapons Master

At the beginning druids have the dagger or one handed maces, staff, and unarmed combat skills, meaning they can only use staves, daggers and one handed maces. They can however use other weapons, like fist weapons, and two hand maces they just need to be trained in that skill by a weapons master.

There are weapons masters in each major city (Stormwind, IronForge, Darnassus, Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity) . Be aware they don't teach all skills, although they do let you know the weapons masters that do.

In order to find a weapons master, just ask any guard in the city you're in. The location will be highlighted on your map. Once you have found that weapons master ion that city, if they don't teach the skills you want to learn, ask them about other weapons masters. They will give the locations and skills available to be learned from each weapons master, in the other cities.

Have comments or suggestions? Thought of something that has been missed? Found an error? We would love to hear from you! Please post in our Druid Class guide forum, or email me at messiah@tentonhammer.com or xerin@tentonhammer.com

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016