Eltnen and Morheim Rift Locations

by on Dec 16, 2009

<p>Rifts are an <i>Aion</i> player's link to the opposing faction outside of the Abyss and a great opportunity to engage in PvP as well as our only means to complete very rewarding spy quests.&nbs

Rifts are an Aion player's link to the opposing faction outside of the Abyss and a great
opportunity to engage in PvP as well as our only means to complete very
rewarding spy quests.  Occasionally you'll need a specific rift or maybe
you just want to hunt down an open one, either way it helps to know where these
rifts appear.

Below you will find maps of Eltnen and Morheim. Marked in black are the
outgoing locations for the residing faction. Marked in red are the incoming
rifts for the opposing faction. So if you are looking to hop into a rift, visit
the black locations and if you are waiting for the bad guys, camp the red
locations.  If you have any corrections,
please send them to me!


Eltnen Rift Locations


Morheim Rift Locations


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016