EVE Online FAQ - Mining

by on Mar 21, 2009

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General Questions

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The Universe

Classes and Races

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PvP Gameplay

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Ships and Ship Equipment

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What is the
purpose of mining?
How do I get
started mining?
What can I mine? Is it safe to
mine in low security space?
Do I need to
train in mining skills?
Will I need to
upgrade my mining laser?
What systems
should I be mining in?
What do I do with the ore
that I have mined?

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What is the purpose of mining?

A: People mine for various reasons but most do it for something to
do and an additional way to earn ISK.  Mining can be very
profitable once you've gotten very skilled at it!

Q: How do I get started in

A:  Every new player starts out with a mining laser and
your new player tutorial will teach you how exactly to mine (don't skip
the tutorial!).  You can use this mining laser and start out mining
around the local asteroid belts in high security areas just to get the
hang of things.

What can I mine?

 Starting out you'll be mining asteroids.  They
are found all over the place (right click in space to bring up the menu
and choose your belt) and when you target them you can see what
they hold.  Some will be more valuable than others so it is a good
idea to check the marketplace to see which you want to spend time


Is it safe to mine in low security space?

There is always a risk when you travel into low
security space.  To lower the risk, don't mine AFK, keep an eye out
on your surroundings, and always have a safe spot to warp to if you are

Do I need to train in mining

A: You start out with the basic ability to mine but should
upgrade the skill you if intend to make a career of it.

Will I need to upgrade my mining laser?

It's a good idea to upgrade to the Miner I from your newbie
mining laser.  As you progress you'll want to raise your skill and
upgrade your miner so that you can mine more rare materials.

What systems should I be mining in?

In the beginning mine in higher security areas. 
Anything 1.0 security is safe but probably crowded.  Don't wander
into anything less than 0.8 security.  To find locations, open your
map and hover over surrounding systems.  You'll see their security
rating and what is housed in that system including asteroid belts. 
You can set destination to find your way there!

What do I do with the ore that I have

 Once you've mined your fill you want to return back
to your station.  Here you can either sell the ore unprocessed or
choose to reprocess into

.  Again, check the marketplace to find if you can make
more off of the raw ore or if reprocessing it is worthwhile.


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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016