Eververse Silver and Emote Costs - Destiny: Taken King

by on Oct 14, 2015

The prices of silver packs and costs of the new emotes in Destiny.

Destiny's new microtransaction shop the "Eververse Trading Company" takes your real world dollars and exchanges it for "Silver", which can then be used to purchase the store's wares. You can't purchase the silver in game, instead you'll need to use the store associated with your console. There you can purchase several different sizes of silver packs, all of which provide a little more silver per dollar via a bonus as you go up.

The different sizes of silver packs and their prices in US dollars are:

500 Silver - $4.99 1000 Silver (100 Bonus) - $9.99 2000 Silver (300 Bonus) - $19.99

Now that you have your silver you'll need a place to spend it. Tess is the vendor you'll be looking for, and she can be found in the same kiosk as the postmaster robot, straight and to the left when you first spawn into the tower. Right now she only has emotes and dance moves to offer, but that will likely change a great deal as year 2 rolls on.

Her current inventory and associated silver prices are as follows:

200 Silver

Watch Your Back Tantrum Sorrow Cower Evil Scheme Oh, Please Congrats Come at Me Victory Cheer Bring it On Formal Bow Booyah Swing Safe Blow a Kiss Pumped Up

500 Silver

Carlton Dance Enthusiastic Dance Slow Clap

You can purchase as many of the emotes and dances as you like (if you have the silver of course), but you can only carry a certain amount of them in your inventory at one time. You can store any you're not using in your vault.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016