FAQ Page Update

by on Jul 15, 2007

With Community News, and the recent release of the Closed Beta applications there have been a lot of FAQ pieces to update. Here's a quick peek:<P>

With Community News, and the recent release of the Closed Beta applications there have been a lot of FAQ pieces to update. Here's a quick peek:

Q: What requirements are there to sign up for the Closed Beta?

A: There are a limited number of Closed Beta spots available and not everyone that applies will be admitted. Closed Beta testers will be selected based on a variety of factors, including computer system specs, game experience, newsletter subscription, and community involvement. The Closed Beta is limited to players 18 years of age or older, and requires the acceptance of the Beta Test Agreement located at the bottom of this form.

You can find our FAQ page by Clicking Here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016