FAQ - Races

by on May 05, 2008

<h1 align="center">EverQuest II FAQ</h1> <h2 align="center">Ten Ton Hammer Answers Common Questions </h2> <h3 align="center">Races FAQ </h3> <table border="0" align="right" cellpadding="5">

EverQuest II FAQ

Ten Ton Hammer Answers Common Questions

Races FAQ

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General Classes Races Combat Crafting Spells and Combat Arts Weapons and Gear Questing Guilds

What races can you play in EQ2?

EverQuest II has a large number of playable races to choose from. You can get the full list of races and race attributes in our Race Guide, but basically this game has typical fantasy races along with a few that are unique to Norrath.

What is the difference between good and evil races?

Aside from roleplaying, the real difference between good and evil races is what cities they can start out in and what classes they can play. EverQuest II is an all race/all class game, however that is only truly accomplished through in game betrayal. If you would like to play a evil race in a good city, you'll have to start out evil and make your way over.

Are there some races that are better with some classes?

Not really. There may be some out there that still cling to the idea that race choice matters with what class you choose, but outside of the immediate lower levels, you just won't be able to tell the difference between a ratonga assassin and a ogre assassin.

Are racial stats important?

Not particularly. As mentioned above, outside of the lower levels, the stats just aren't a big player in how well a class plays with any given race.

Which race should I choose to play?

Whatever looks good to you! This is going to be your character that you will be looking at and dressing up for hopefully years to come. Pick something that strikes your fancy. If you don't care, then just pick something that starts out in the city that you'd like to check out first.


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016