Five Ways to Deal with Difficult Dungeons in World of Warcraft

by on Dec 11, 2010

Players that are hitting level 85 in World of Warcraft are finding the dungeons to be a bit difficult.

Players that are hitting level 85 in World of Warcraft are finding the dungeons to be a bit difficult. Crowd control, communication, and other techniques are being used in order to get through these much more difficult instances. We've gathered together the top five tips for getting through these difficult dungeons and claim your epic rewards.

During vanilla most 5-man instances were actually 10-man raids. Instances didn’t have a raid cap, but most quests (unless they were specifically raid quests) required a 5 man party. This was exploited by having a large group of players in an instance clear the content up to the quest NPC then breaking it down into a five man group. This was later fixed and dungeons were capped to 10 players and then down to 5. Dungeons required a large amount of cooperation, but were not all that difficult, just lengthy and tiring.

Our five tips for difficult Cataclysm dungeons will get you your epics faster.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016