Fodder Into Kinah - A Guide to Selling in Aion

by on Sep 30, 2009

Overflowing inventories prompt us to unload all of our <i>Aion</i> loot onto ungenerous merchants but if you're using this method then you could be missing out on loads of glorious kinah! The game offers...

Overflowing inventories prompt us to unload all of our Aion loot onto ungenerous merchants but if you're using this method then you could be missing out on loads of glorious kinah! The game offers both broker and private stores to pimp your goods but to make the most of your loot you need to know how to use them and when.

There will be a suggested price, but these really don't reflect the current market so it is unwise to use this number without doing a little bit of research. You will notice that there is a cost to using the broker selling service which will also be displayed at this time. Put in your price and accept the broker fee and your item will be immediately removed from your inventory and listed.

Get the answer to those questions and more in this guide to selling your goods.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016