Frostfell Tips for Chefs

by on Dec 27, 2006

Frostfell Tips For Chefs

by Niami DenMother

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It seems that everyone is in a rush this holiday season, and it can sometimes
be hard for the Norrathian chef to attract (or keep) customers during the holiday
hustle and bustle. Never fear, 'Mum has a few handy tips to make your wares,
and your home, more memorable to customers this Frostfell season.

1. Renovate Your Kitchen

Not everyone is rich enough to afford one of those fancy-schmancy elaborate
stoves and kegs from the faction merchants, and pockets can be tight during
the Frostfell season. However, this is a really good time of year to upgrade
your home kitchen. Say goodbye to cooking over an unsafe firepit (and to all
those citations from the Baubbleshire Fire Marshal that went along with it!).
Say farewell to hunching over a tiny elddar cooking stove.

Say hellloooooo to a nice natural stone hearth!

That's right, folks. With a bit of Frostfell harvesting luck, or some savvy
shopping, you, too can own one of these lovely little adjustable-flame hearths.
Be sure to keep a bucket of water handy, though, just in case you get a bit
too exuberant with the flames!

2. Watch Those Flames!

Don't get carried away, though, with the flame settings. While a nice set of
roaring flames might warm your home up, they're prone to burning your holiday
foodstuffs to an unpalatable lump of coal. (Charcoal, that is!)

I'd not recommend the festive flame setting, either, unless you're cooking
up something very mystical and magical. Green flames just are NOT what you want
when cooking that delicious roast fowl!

Just set those flames to some nice warm embers and let the delicious aromas
of cooking food waft through your home.

3. Keep the Cold Things Cold!

No more do you need to drag things out to Everfrost if you need something chilled
before serving. With the handy little Frostfell snowdrifts, you, too can keep
cold things cold in your home! Just remember, some folks like their
ale at room temperature!

4. Marketing Strategies

Every successful chef turned businesswoman knows the importance of presentation.
Spruce up that dull little pantry that you sell your wares from with some lovely
food and drink samples! This also gives your customers a chance to "sample"
some appetizing low-level teaser foods before they buy some of your fancier
cooking. After all, your best sales should come from those who have sampled
and enjoyed your cooking, so giving out free samples of Frostfell food and drink
are in your best interest!

5. Moderate Use of Spirits

Alcohol, when used in moderation, can be useful either standalone, or as a
bit of enhancement in a braised steak and the like. Having several different
grades of alcohols on hand are a good thing. However, be careful about sampling
these alcoholic supplies too much, else you're going to be prone to creating
some really inedible concoctions ... if you don't burn the house down around
you first! Remember - alcohol and open flames can be bad, m'kay?

6. Enjoy!

There are many fun things to do, and taste, this holiday season. No matter
if you worship Tunare, or Cazic-Thule, or any/none of the newly-returning gods,
make sure to set aside time with loved ones to share a bit of Frostfell cheer
... and take a tipple or two of Mama's Eggnog, of course!


"Not everyone is rich enough to afford one of those fancy-schmancy elaborate
stoves and kegs from the faction merchants..."


goodbye to cooking over an unsafe firepit (and to all those citations from the
Baubbleshire Fire Marshal that went along with it!)

farewell to hunching over a tiny elddar cooking stove."


hellloooooo to a nice natural stone hearth!"


a nice set of roaring flames might warm your home up, they're prone to burning
your holiday foodstuffs to an unpalatable lump of coal."

flames just are NOT what you want when cooking that delicious roast fowl!"


the handy little Frostfell snowdrifts, you, too can keep cold things cold in
your home!"


up that dull little pantry that you sell your wares from with some lovely food
and drink samples!"


several different grades of alcohols on hand are a good thing."


be careful about sampling these alcoholic supplies too much, else you're going
to be prone to creating some really inedible concoctions"

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016