Gang Tactics Examined!

by on Nov 06, 2006

What's more terrifying that seeing a pirate bearing down on your in low-sec?

What's more terrifying that seeing a pirate bearing down on your in low-sec? Seeing an organized gang of them, naturally... While Antithysis may be taking the the darker path, these tips and tactics can easily be applied to any EVE gang that you may need to form to accomplish the more difficult tasks and missions that the game has to offer.

Solo pirating can be fun, but sometimes that just isn’t enough to take down the tougher players out there. That’s where the gang comes into play. As they say, strength in numbers! ...These are just simple rules that every gang should follow to be successful. But to be a true force to be reckoned with, some creativity is required, as well as some pilots with a fair amount of Skillpoints.

Hail, Hail, The Gang's All Here!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016