Gearing Up the Mage

by on Jan 20, 2009

<div style="width:590px; height:128px; background-image:url('')"></div> <table style="margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: right; width: 200px;" border="1"> <tbody>

style="margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: right; width: 200px;"

href="" target="_blank"> alt="" src=""
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 200px; height: 224px;">

style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> style="font-weight: bold;"> style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> style="font-weight: bold;"> style="font-weight: bold;"> style="margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; width: 200px;"
style="font-weight: bold;"> style="color: rgb(204, 51, 204);">Grieving Spellblade

style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 11px;">Binds
when picked up

Main Hand Sword

70 - 227 Damage, Speed 1.80

(82.6 DPS)

+33 Stamina

+40 Intellect

style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Requires
Level 80

critical strike rating by 37

Improves haste rating by 27

Increases spell power by 408
style="font-weight: bold;">

Equipping a Mage is much like loading a glass cannon to fire at a
neighboring ship. The Mage wears cloth armor only, like all primary
casters and has a small assortment of available weapon types to wield.
This means that their damage comes not from fists or inner rage but
calculated magical attacks that fly from the Mage’s hands
while their defense comes from magic and a thin paper like substance we
call “cloth.” It’s true you
won’t see a Mage tanking Kel’Thuzad anytime soon,
but there is still a lot to discuss on what is needed and what
isn’t for Mages.

Weapon & Armor

Before we go anywhere we need to know exactly what a Mage
can and cannot equip. Armor is simple and to the point. The only armor
that can be worn is cloth. Heartier types like Leather, Mail, and the
stalwart Plate armor types can never be equipped. Many see this as the
primary disadvantage to the class since you’ll always take
massive amounts of damage with your armor as thick as tissue paper.
However it must be noted that you can use magical abilities to augment
your defense. Various magical shields are available that can increase
your armor, block attacks of certain elements, and more.

As for weapons you can equip swords, daggers, off-hand items, and of
course staves. Choosing what weapon type to use is a long and
complicated process that... ok, I’m just kidding you. You can
figure out which is best for you in a quick and easy process.
It’s easier to compare two items together, like what you have
and what you can get. Take what you currently have (say a staff) and
add up all of the stats it provides you. For a staff add your enchants
too (which count as 2-handed weapons). Now add together the stats for
the main weapon (sword/dagger) and off-hand and the enchant for your
main weapon. If you get more stats with one set than that one is the
winner. There is no clear way to determine which is best at any given
time because there is no clear advantage to one or the other.

It should be noted that Mages do suck at hitting things with their
fists, pointy objects, or sticks. This usually just makes enemies mad
and increases their desire to bite, claw, gnash, or a variety of other
not-too-nice things. So don’t worry about weapon skillups on
anything but your wand (and do try not to get in fist fights in the
pub). That brings up to the last major weapon type. Mages
don’t get totems or sigils or anything to put in their ranged
slot. They get the generic magical wand. This one of course
can’t summon rabbits from a hat but it can do an ok bit of
damage and give you some stats.

What to Look
For™ – Levels 1 - 79

While leveling up there is only a few things you need to
worry about. By a few things I mean two: Intellect and Stamina. When
you hit Outland and Northrend you’ll really start getting a
ton of gear that adds critical strike rating and damage, but you
won’t really need to care. Just take whatever gear is better
for the long run. I would suggest that if given the chance pick up any
instance gear you can, but a Mage isn’t gear dependant. More
armor or bigger staves aren’t going to compensate for any
lack of magical potency you have, not at least until higher levels.
Gear will mostly bring about a little bit of damage, more health, and a
few neat additions that help a little. Trinkets are often rare to find
outside of engineering until 60 so don’t put too much
attention to them. Purchasing gear from the Auction House is a general
no-no. Not only are instances always the way (if you can get someone to
run you through them) but since your damage is magical there is no need
to get a high DPS weapon and a few points of Intellect aren’t
going to make you an all-star grinder. At level 80, of course, all of
your gear will come from instances or PvP so keep that in mind.

What to Look
For™ – Stats

Mages are lucky because there isn’t a whole lot
they need to look for. Some classes have to balance nearly every
conceivable statistic in the game all at once into their gear. Mages on
the other hand just need a few things. Intellect, Stamina, MP5 (Mana
per 5/sec) (PvE), Spell Hit (PvE), Resilience (PvP), critical strike
rating, and spell damage. How much of each really depends on each
player’s taste, too. It’s really subjective with no
clear winners


Intellect is needed for spell damage and comes standard on almost every
piece of cloth and weapon that a Mage will desire. Stamina is as close
to defense as you can get from items and you’ll want to pile
it on to compensate for the lack of armor and defense. As a small
note… no one really has figured out how stamina and brains
can be given by weapons or armor yet. It seems kind of weird that you
put on a silly robe, a funny hat, and wield a giant big stick and all
of a sudden you’re one of the smartest and heartiest people
in the world.

Moving on, spirit is useful and don’t neglect it, but
don’t obsess over it along with MP5. Critical strike rating
and spell damage are all up to the player and what they wish to focus
on for their build. You can get and load up on critical strike rating
and focus on getting most of your damage from the crits or you can
focus on damage and increase your constant damage. Either way,
you’ll be getting a lot from your gear anyway.

If you absolutely must be told what to get then get critical strike
rating and stamina for PvP and then get spell damage and intellect for
PvE. A good judge of what to get for the current trend for both is the
set items available. You’ll want critical strike rating and
stamina for PvP because you’ll want to be able to soak up
enough damage to live and do as much burst damage as possible. For PvE
things are a little bit different. You want as much mana, mana regen,
and damage as you can get. Again, this is subjective and based on what
builds you want to use.

What to Look
For™ – Armor

Since all you can wear is cloth then you’ll be
pretty much limited to that. Armor would be a non-factor if it
wasn’t for diminishing returns. As a Mage you’ll
get more per armor point than a warrior who has a foot of metal between
them and their enemy. Sacrificing stats for armor is a no-no though,
for both PvE and PvP. Outside of that, see above on which stats you
need to use and follow through with your armor choices. Consider set
bonuses when choosing. An item may drop that’s better than
what you currently have but may remove a set bonus which makes the
current item the “better one.”

The tier 7 PvE set is known as Heroes’ (10-man) or Valorous
(25-man) Frostfire Garb. The 10-man set includes 284 stamina, 293
Intellect, 388 spell power, 69 spell hit, 190 critical strike rating
rating, 66 haste rating, and a few other bonuses. The 25-man set gives
333 stamina, 345 intellect, 443 spell power, 81 spell hit, 218 critical
strike rating rating, and 102 haste rating. Other pieces of gear are
available from Naxxramas and onward that are very very nice for high
level PvE orientated Mages.

What to Look
For™ – Weapons

You’ll want a high DPS wand while leveling up
but outside of leveling it becomes just a stat booster. For weapons you
can read the debate above on main-hand/off-hand and staves, but in
general look for the weapon combo that gives you the biggest boost
after enchants.

What to Look
For™ - Trinkets

To start with let’s get over the obvious. If
you’re PvPing get the Medallion of the
Horde/Alliance.  If you don’t, then have a good
reason not to (there are a few, but not many). Outside of that you can
get the Sundial of the Exiled to start with. It’s purchased
with badges. From there you can move up to a Dying Curse or Embrace of
the Spider from Naxxramas. If you’re lost, the Sundial of the
Exiled gives you 84 critical strike rating and a proc that gives you
590 spell damage for 15 seconds.  Dying Curse gives 71 hit
rating (great for PvE) and can give you a proc for 765 spell damage for
10 seconds. The Embrace of the Spider gives 98 spell power and a chance
to get 505(!) haste rating.

That’s at a higher level though. On your way up
you’ll probably encounter a few trinkets here and there.
Anything that can fit in the slot and help you is what you’ll
want. You really won’t need to focus too hard on finding them
until you’re 80. While you’re 70 you’ll
even get a few from questing that’ll increase your damage
when activated. The older badge trinkets from Outland are also pretty
good (but can get replaced with quests from Northrend).

What to Look
For™ – Enchants, Gems, and Glyphs

Discussing enchants is like discussing politics. There is
always someone who is going to argue another side. In this case
it’s way less cool to do it in real life whenever
you’re discussing intellect versus spell damage instead of
red vs. blue. Just remember this when picking enchants. Mages are like
waffles with Tabasco sauce all over them. They’ll bend around
a bit but will break and they have a kick. So focus on damage and
defense. Critical strike rating if you’re leaning that way
and damage if you're leaning the other. As for gems, go with what you
get until you can get picky and then follow the same advice.

For Glyphs you’re going to have an easy choice since there
isn’t a lot. For minor glyphs, pick up the Slow Fall one for
sure and from there it honestly doesn’t matter. For Major
you’re going to want to talk to your guild if
you’re raiding (to make sure there is no overlap) but the
Polymorph glyph is very nice for instances. The additional critical
strike rating for a Frostfire build is nice with the Frostfire glyph.
Evocation will give you 60% of your health back and 6 seconds of curse
immunity from the Remove Curse glyph may be able to save a raid.
It’s all up to personal taste. Weigh in what you need for any
encounters and what abilities you use most. Avoid ones like the Blink
or Frost Nova one unless you’re just leveling up. Go for
things that again boost damage or defense (in this case most will boost

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016