Greenskin Leveling Guide: Chap.5 and 6

by on Nov 06, 2008

<strong>We're done! No, wait! I see stunties over there! <em>GET 'EM</em></strong>

We're done! No, wait! I see stunties over there! GET 'EM

In Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, you started out at Mt. Bloodhorn and now it's time to move on up in the world! You've come a long way baby, but you ain't finished yet because now it's time to head out to Barak Varr and the Marshes of Madness. Yes, Tier Two is upon you and it's up to you to get stronger for the big WAAAGH!! You'll have to brave angry stunties, Slayers, Trolls, and even Ghosts this time around. The Public Quests are harder, the creatures tougher, and you'll get in great shape running to and fro completing your tasks. What awaits you in the first part of Tier 2? Looks like you'd better check out Ten Ton Hammer's Greenskin Leveling Guide: Chap.5 and 6!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016