
by on Apr 13, 2006

<style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {color: rgb(0, 51, 0)} --> </style> <h1 class="style1">Guardian</h1> <p><em><strong>This article is out of date.

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This article is out of date. For an updated guide to the Guardian, click here!

From the official site:

Available to : Man, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit

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A doughty fighter and protector of the weak, a skilled Guardian can face even the toughest foes and survive. The Guardian is one of the few classes willing and able to try to draw more blows onto themselves, so they can retaliate with devastating maneuvers in response.

The Guardian is the class of choice for players that enjoy drawing the attention of their foes in combat and taking advantage of their missteps. Masters of the defensive arts, Guardians use taxing attacks and irksome taunts to draw and hold opponents' attention, relying on their shield and weapon to turn aside incoming attacks with blocks and parries. A Guardian's combat style depends on creating openings during an opponent's attack to provide the opportunity for their own counter attack.


Skills of the Guardian

Challenge : The Guardian knows how to goad his enemies into attacking, leaving his allies free to maneuver.

Shield Swipe : After successfully blocking an enemy's blow, the Guardian may attack with both weapon and shield.

Bash : After a successful Shield Swipe agaist an enemy, the Guardian may bash it again with his shield, possibly stunning it.

Vexing Blow : The Guardian is capable of drawing an enemy's attention to himself with this attack.

Protection : When wielding a shield, the Guardian may protect one of his allies, improving his ally's defense and allowing the Guardian to react to attacks made against him.

Stamp : Enables the Guardian to break his enemy's concentration, interrupting its actions.

Deep Breath : The Guardian is able to gather his wits and prepare his attacks more quickly than normal.

Guardian's Pledge : The Guardian's great skill enables him to strengthen his defenses for a short time.

Guardian's Defense : The Guardian focuses his defenses on blocking attacks.


Traits of the Guardian

Here are some of the Class-specific Traits the Guardian can obtain while adventuring in Middle-earth:

Guardian's Ward : Guardian's Ward increases the Guardian's natural damage mitigation. All of his special attacks also more strongly direct his enemy's ire towards him.

Selfless Defense : The Guardian's Protection skill makes his target less threatening, while drawing the enemy's ire towards him. All of his special attacks also more strongly direct his enemy's ire towards him.


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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016