Guide to Eregion - Instances

by on Mar 18, 2011

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These are the spaces outside of the main region map but
directly connected to it. This does not include instances that are part
of the epic books or other quest chains.


These are smaller, public instanced spaces that can be entered
by anyone at anytime, with or without associated quests. Eregion
has a couple of dungeons.

cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
rowspan="1">Minas Elendur alt="Minas Elendur"

Location: Tar Stazg, 48.6S, 6.5W

Level Range: 65

Description: A "chutes and ladders"-style maze attached
to Volume III Book 2, with multiple levels and themed rooms. Finding
all the rooms in this dungeons earns the title "the Thorough." This
dungeons remains open after completing Volume III Book 2.

Mobs: Uruks, 

cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
rowspan="1">Tawarond alt="Tawarond"

Location: Sad Thareg, 42.3S, 16.4W

Level Range: 45 - 50

Description: A short series of caves filled with
wood-trolls. The last Uruk-captain for the Uruk-captains of Eregion
deed, Logon, is waiting at the end of this cave with a boss wood-troll.

Mobs: Wood-trolls, Uruk-captain Logon

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These are private encounters joined via the Instance Join
panel. Currently, there are two instances in Eregion

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style="border: 0px solid ; width: 250px; height: 400px; float: left;"
alt="School at Tham Mirdain"

uruks and Dunlendings are quietly studying in the quad while Llygad
tries to drum up some enthusiasm for a game of hackey-sack

Level Range: 50 - 65

Size: Small Fellowship

Description: The School at Tham Mírdain was once a
pinnacle of learning during the age of the Noldor, but it has now
fallen into disrepair and is overrun by the minions of Saruman, who
seeks greater knowledge of the Rings of Power.

Daily Challenge: Extinguish the burning books before
they burn up.

This is one that loads of people run every day - it's quick, not
terribly difficult and earns the player at least one Superior Third
for completing the challenge.

& Tricks

This quick 3-man instance is pretty fun. Group makeup has a
lot of room for tweaking and the whole thing can be done without the
traditional tank/heals/DPS setup. Mobs are generally cleared in
multiple stages - start with the outer ring of uruks and their
Dunlending chums, then the courtyard, then the mini-boss
groups, then the room-clear/book salvage operation, then the main boss
at the end.

There's no particular strategy needed for the trash mobs here.
They attack in small groups that are usually easily handled by even
intermediate players. To make things go quicker, interrupt the Uruk
Leaders when they start their healing induction.

For the fight against Llygad the Blade is more aggravating
than challenging. Llygad will focus his attacks on one guy and call in
his buddies for backup periodically. The last guy, sensing sure doom,
will attempt to run out of the courtyard, up the stairs at the right
and around to the stairs leading to the second level. If he reaches the
second-level stairs, he will summon an Uruk Leader, who makes the fight
drag on slightly longer than it needs to. The runner can be
crowd-controlled all day long, or, with focused DPS, killed before he
reaches the stairs. Or you can simply fight the Uruk Leader when it
comes down for a scrap.

The fight against the three uruks at the top of the stairs is
tougher. The boss attacks from range and is difficult to tank, and the
Uruk Leader sidekicks like to keep him healed. Kill the leaders first,
one at a time, and keep the boss focused on the designated tank. Once
the leaders are down, get the group off the stairs near the door at the
back and try to keep the fight contained there. He likes to run off and
attack with his bow, rooting people in place, but don't be too tempted
to chase him around, particularly when he heads to the stairs. If he
gets too far down the stairs, he will reset, and you have to start the
whole fight over again.

Once he's dead and the courtyard is clear, the fun really
begins. The door to the boss room opens, and it's full of eager
students hoping to expand their minds with hours of tedious study, but
who are perfectly willing to take a study break to kill intruders.

Pick one member of the team to pull the room and kite the mobs
down the stairs, running laps around the outside of the courtyard.
Minstrels are good for this job - they can bubble up and use Soliloquy
of Spirit on the run. Rune-keepers are also good for this. The other 2
teammates are on fire duty. The puller runs into the room and does a
full lap, getting aggro on every mob in the room and running them out.
Once everything is focused on the puller, the other 2 sneak in and put
out the fires burning the book stands.

Once the fires are out, the fire-duty people head to the
courtyard and begin taking out the mobs chasing the puller, starting
with the ranged uruks, then the leaders, and saving the Dunlendings
until last. The puller just has to keep running a wide circuit, staying
ahead of the horde until there are only a few mobs left. When it's down
to a handful of Dunlendings, he can turn and finish them off.

The reason you want your healer doing this job and not staying
in the middle healing is because of aggro management. Throw a heal at
the wrong time and the kiter loses aggro, which he doesn't have time to
stop and regain. Keep the "tank" and the "DPS" in the middle and let
the "healer" do the kiting.

Once the horde of avid students is downed, it's time to take
on the boss, Commander Tarsh. This is a fairly straightforward fight,
but you will want
to watch out for when he says "Fight me in this storm of blades!" When
he says that, he will start a massive area-effect attack that reaches
about half the length of the room. Keep him in the back corner as much
as possible and run away when he starts using this skill.

Technically speaking, you don't need to kill Commander Tarsh
to earn
the Superior Third Mark. Once the fires are out, you can leave. But
there's a boss loot chest when you drop him, and a small chance that
another Superior Third Mark will drop there.

cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 250px; height: 400px; float: left;"
alt="Library at Tham Mirdain"

the one reason you want a Hunter here

Level Range: 40 - 65

Size: Small Fellowship

Description: The Library at Tham Mírdain once held much
of the knowledge of the early Ages and withstood the brunt of Sauron's
attack against Eregion. Though much of the surviving lore was carried
away by Elrond Halfelven, the forces of Angmar now seek the remnants....

Daily Challenge: Do not kill any of the birds before
engaging Chieftain Gursh. Once Chieftain Gursh is engaged, kill all the
birds before killing him.

Part 2 of the Daily Double for Superior Third Marks.

& Tricks

The Library can also be accomplished with a "non-traditional"
group -
but if you don't bring a Hunter, make sure you have a good healer. The
poison-mad Pale-folk are a toxic nightmare, and their poison debuffs
need to either be removed swiftly or out-healed.

The first few fights are quick and savage. The swarms of
Pale-folk call for loads of area-effect attacks, so Minstrels can
usually stay in War-speech for now. The Pale-folk are random-aggro -
they can't be tanked by traditional means, and will spread their
attacks around. Hunker down and blast your way through them as quickly
as possible, and take care of poison damage before it kills anyone. The
big fat Overseers are really not much tougher, but they have big damage
mitigation when attacking with a group of Pale-folk. Always kill the
Pale-folk first and the Overseers after.

The Overseers can be crowd-controlled with mezzes to keep them
out of the fight until the Pale-folk are dead. Be careful about using
fears as crowd-control, as a terrified mob running loose could aggro
other groups. Mezzes and roots are best.

When you reach the T intersection in the garden, be careful -
fighting the patrolling groups of Pale-folk and their Overseers out in
the open can accidentally trigger the roosting crebain around the edges
of the room, and you don't want to fight those yet. Wait for the
patrolling groups to enter the tunnels and kill them there. Also be
careful about pulling them in the tunnels, though - if you pull them
too close to the groups in the stairwells at the end of the tunnels,
you could end up pulling all 6 Pale-folk and both Overseers at once,
and these fights can be nightmarish and brief. 

The mini-bosses are on the second level. Mini-Boss Number 1 is
reached by taking the north stairwell and following the upper walkway
to the west, Mini-Boss Number 2 is the south stairwell and the eastern
room. Either way, you face a group of Pale-folk-plus-Overseer at each

Mini-Boss 1 is a big fatso with 2 groups of 3 Pale-folk that
he sends in first as cannon-fodder. They come in 2 waves, and you want
to burn them down as quickly as possible, removing their poisons before
fully engaging the boss. Once they are down, it's a fairly
straightforward tank-n-spank fight. He has a few stun attacks, and if
he manages to stun his current aggro-target, he will bounce to the
next-highest threat participant until the first guy recovers. 

Mini-Boss 2 is just one guy in a room all by himself. He
applies a massive armor-lowering wound debuff that tanks will need to
watch out for. At about half health, he will unleash a stun that hits
everyone in the room. While the group stands around helpless, he will
begin a long self-heal induction. If the tank has decent reflexes and
is standing in an optimal position when the stun duration ends, that
self-heal can be interrupted. Aside from the wound debuff and the stun,
there's nothing particularly difficult about this fight.

Once both bosses are down, it's time to head back to the
garden and take on the main guy, Chieftain Gursh. This is a low-brow,
dirty-fightin' uruk, and the fight is a measure of endurance. This is
another fight where healers make the best kiters - healing aggro is
usually enough to pull all the birds to the kiter and keep them there,
but not so strong that it can't be overcome by ranged attacks from the
middle of the garden.

Send the kiter in full-force. He will run around in a wide
circle and pick up all the birds, running them around the room in laps
as the other 2 players pick them off singly in the middle. Once more,
healers are not recommended as middle-men, as healing aggro can pull
the birds off the kiter and cause problems.

The birds don't do much damage and don't take much to kill.
Once all 16 of them are down, it's a tank-n-spank fight against the
chieftain. Be mindful of power conservation here - he has a good chunk
of morale and takes a while to kill. If you didn't kill any of the
birds before engaging the chieftain, and then killed all the birds
before killing him, you get yourself a shiny Superior Third Mark.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016