Guide to Forochel - Towns & Quest Hubs

by on Jun 29, 2011

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alt="Guide to Forochel"

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| href="">QUEST
| href="">INSTANCES
| href="">DEEDS
| href="">REPUTATION

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These are the towns, camps and other assorted places where
players can pick up quests. Level range describes the optimum level
range for XP gain. Important NPCs are those who bestow quest chains or
are crucial to the epic storyline, with position coordinates listed if
located outside the main hub. Description is a broad guideline of what
to expect from each quest hub without going into too specific of detail.

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Lossoth language is derived from Finnish... so why do they sound like
the Swedish Chef?


Level Range: 44 - 45

Important NPCs: href="">Cenlieg
(Lore-master), Eija, Santtu, Mainio, Valtteri, Mirja, Urho
(at Hammastus-pesa)

Town Services

Mailbox Milestone Healer Supplier & Provisioner Lore-master trainer Stable-master (Ost Forod, Pynti-peldot)

Description: A small hunting and
fishing village
overlooking scenic lake Korkea-jarvi, and a trading stop for the
dwarves stationed further north. Quests generally involve dealing with
the predators and elk living around the watering hole, and helping the
Lossoth make new ice-skates. Doing Cenlieg's quests opens up a deed to
assist the Lost Fellowship, seven NPCs scattered throughout Forochel
each representing one of the 7 original classes.

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the Canadian version of the Flintstones.


Level Range: 45 - 46

Important NPCs: Heikki, Kimmo,
Esko, Lauri, Ora,
Kaj, href="">Deornyd
(Champion), href="">Burgthryth
(Minstrel, Janis-leiri), Altti
(Janis-leiri), Niko (Janis-leiri)

Town Services

Mailbox Milestone Healer Supplier & Provisioner Champion trainer Minstrel trainer (Janis-leiri) Reputation barterer Campfire (Janis-leiri) Stable-master (Ost Forod, Kauppa-kohta, Zigilgund,
Suri-kyla) Heat from settlement will dispel persistent frost debuffs

Description: Pynti-peldot is a mid-size
perched atop a hill overlooking the southern shore of the Bay of
Forochel. Its sister camp, Janis-leiri, is a short distance down the
road amidst the frost-rimed pine trees, and has no travel options.
Quests involve dealing with the sabre-tooth cats and Gauredain that
live nearby. Deornyd and Burgthryth start the Champion and Minstrel
quests (respectively) for the Lost Fellowship deed.

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night-time palette of colours is rich in Forochel. During the day, it's
mostly white.


Level Range: 45 - 47

Important NPCs: href="">Reginald
Ward (Captain), Lothrandir, Ilmo, Kaleva, href="">Nef
(Guardian), Matti, Nora, Jalmari, Vamma, Yrjana

Town Services

Milestone Mailbox Class Trainers  Reputation Barterer Reputation Vendors Provisioner Healer Supplier Superior Forge and Workbench Oven Vault-keeper Expert Metalsmith and Tailor vendors, Novice Cook vendor Stable-master (Ost Forod, Pynti-peldot, Zigilgund,
Kuru-leiri, West Bree, Gath Forthnir, Rivendell) Reflecting Pool Heat from settlement will dispel persistent frost debuffs

Description: The largest Lossoth
settlement, with a
hide-covered lodgepole-and-mammoth-tusk-fortified igloo as the capital
building. The Captain and Guardian components of the Lost Fellowship
quest start here. Vamma, a Lossoth standing on the stairway inside the
big building at the back of the town, has the quest "The Frozen War,"
which is the sole requirement for the swift travel to Kuru-leiri and
back. Make sure you do that one if you have any intention of visiting
the west side of the bay at any point, because Kuru-leiri is a long
hike otherwise.

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afternoon sun
really doesn't do much to warm up the cold, austere look of Zigilgund.
Or any dwarven fortress, for that matter.


Level Range: 46 - 48

Important NPCs: Tero, Sigrik,
Fotri, href="">Warstang
(Burglar), Thorth, Riki, Weth, Keli

Town Services

Supplier & Provisioner Mailbox Milestone Healer Burglar trainer Stable-master (Pynti-peldot, Suri-kyla)

Description: A dwarf fortress
overlooking the
Icereave Mine, quests from Zigilgund reward reputation with Thorin's
Hall rather than Lossoth of Forochel. Expect a number of conflicts with
the Dourhands in the mine, and dealing with the suspicious Lossoth
camped nearby. Warstang initiates the Burglar component of the Lost
Fellowship deed.

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the SUVs of Forochel. wait outside Kuru-leiri in the parking lot.


Level Range: 48 - 50

Important NPCs: Arre, href="">Thurmaer

Town Services

Campfire Milestone Supplier & Provisioner Healer Stable-master (Suri-kyla swift travel only; requires
completing "The Frozen War" from Vamma in Suri-kyla)

Description: A small collection
of igloos with few
NPCs, Kuru-leiri is a glorified hunting camp with a stable-master.
There are few quests here, but the location is useful as a staging
point for the epic books and other, later quests. Thurmaer initiates
the Hunter component of the Lost Fellowship deed.

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Level Range: 46 - 50

Important NPCs: Raija, Oiva
(Karhu-leiri), Atos, Turkka (Pynti-leiri), Sampo, Vaino (Norsu-leiri),
Jyrki, Tapio (Hylje-leiri)

Town Services: n/a

Description: The Lossoth have
four of these small
camps spread across Forochel. The Lossoth stay there for a time and
then head back to their homes, at which point the Gauredain take over
and smash the igloos. They work sort of like the control points in
Annuminas: clear the mobs and ownership will flip, causing the quest
NPCs to spawn in. If the camps are Gauredain-controlled, the quest NPCs
will not be there. Clearing the camps can be tough for solo players, as
the respawn rate is fairly fast - this is particularly true of
Hylje-leiri, southeast of Kuru-leiri. These quests are repeatables for
Lossoth reputation only and do not offer XP rewards beyond the XP
earned for killing the associated mobs.

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| href="">INSTANCES
| href="">DEEDS
| href="">REPUTATION

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016