Guide to Legion Class Order Halls

by on Oct 04, 2015

An overview of Class Order Halls, a brand new feature to be introduced in World of Warcraft: Legion

Class Order Halls are one of the brand new features players can expect to see introduced in World of Warcraft: Legion. This new addition will be one of the many attempts developers will make to bring the focus back to class identity. With Legion so far on the horizon, not overly much is know about Class Order Halls except what developers have leaked through various interviews and announcements. After combing through these tidbits, we have pulled them together to form our first basic guide on what we know about Class Order Halls thus far. Enjoy!

Class Order Halls Overview

Just like the various Houses in Hogwarts, Class Order Halls will be your home in World of Warcraft: Legion. Similar to The Ebon Hold for Death Knights Class Order Halls will be open to every player in your class, even those of the opposing faction. For this reason, Order Halls will be considered Sanctuaries. No player versus player action here.

These are the major hubs of operation in Legion, like major cities and Garrisons were in the past. Players can plan on spending a ton of time here. However, don't think there wont' be a need to venture outside. These Halls do not come equipped with a bank or Auction House and players will have to travel elsewhere to access these features. Don't worry about returning, everyone will have a Death Gate-like ability that will take them to and from their Class Order Hall. 

Class Order Halls are designed to bring the focus back onto the individuality of each class. Players can expect a spotlight on the lore of each class and a place to recapture the unique feel that each class once had. With the Horde and Alliance at each others throats, it is up to each class to band together to defeat the impending doom of the Burning Legion. Each class will take on this task in a different manner, tapping into their own personal skills and abilities to do so.

Class Order Hall Locations

Where most of the Class Order Halls will be located is unknown at this point in time. However, much speculation on the topic has happened, some pretty good guesses have been made, and developers have leaked a few locations all on their own. Here are some potential locations many that Class Order Halls could be established in Legion:

Death Knight – Acherus Demon Hunter – Vault of the Wardens Druid - Valsharah Mage - Dalaran Monk – Peak of Serenity Paladin – Light's Hope Chapel Rogue – Dalaran Underbelly Shaman – Maelstrom Warlock – Legion Portal World

Class Order Halls and Artifact Weapons

Being the place to be in Legion, it comes as no surprise that Class Order Halls will be where players upgrade and customize their Artifact Weapons. While not much more is known, it is safe to say that these Halls and your Artifact will be directly linked. With quests and more available to help you further increase the power of your weapon. For those wanting to know more about Artifact Weapons; check out our handy Guide to Artifact Weapons.

Class Halls vs. Garrisons

As you may have assumed, Class Halls are a lot like Garrisons in Warlords of Dreanor. They will be the epicenter of your experience in Legion. It seems like everything that happens in this expansion will spiral out from your Class Hall. If the thought of another Garrison experience fills you with dread, know you aren't alone and your fears are mostly unfounded. From what we know, Class Halls will be like Garrisons, without all the things that made Garrisons utterly loathsome. Here are a few ways Class Halls will differ from Garrisons:

Class Halls, unlike your Garrison, will be rousing centers of activity. Rather than being there all alone, players will share them with every other player in their class. Sitting alone with just your Followers will never be an issue again. Players will collect Champions instead of Followers. These Champions will be members of your class, potentially well known and elite lore figures. Champions can and will be sent on missions to further the cause of your class. These missions, unlike Garrison missions, will feel meaningful and will enhance the experience rather than hinder it. For example: you assign a Champion to a zone, then play in the zone and receive a combat bonus. There will be far fewer Champions than Followers. You will never feel like your Champions are just another face in a crowd. The Class Order Hall will allow to you feel like you are working with elite heroes (and the rest of your class) against the threat of the Burning Legion, as opposed to leading an army on your own.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016