Guide to the Misty Mountains - Towns and Quest Hubs

by on Feb 23, 2011

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alt="Guide to the Misty Mountains"

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| href="">INSTANCES
| href="">DEEDS
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These are the towns, camps and other assorted places where
players can pick up quests. Level range describes the optimum level
range for XP gain. Important NPCs are those who bestow quest chains or
are crucial to the epic storyline, with position coordinates listed if
located outside the main hub. Description is a broad guideline of what
to expect from each quest hub without going into too specific of detail.

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style="border: 0px solid ; width: 250px; height: 400px; float: left;"
alt="Gloin's Camp"

the Elves, Dwarves really know how to camp..


Level Range: 40 - 48

Important NPCs: Vighar
Roadwalker, Gwaemithrin, Larus Sharpshard, Gloin

Town Services

Mailbox Milestone Supplier Stable-master (Rivendell, Hrimbarg)

Description: Tasked with
containing the threats of goblins, Dourhands, Angmar-allied hillmen and
other wretched things, Gloin has established a camp just above the pass
into Imladris. The quests here are varied in level, but cover almost
all of the Misty Mountains at some point or another.

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Dwarf version of a cozy trapper's shack.


Level Range: 48

Important NPCs: Afwald,

Town Services

Provisioner Mailbox Stable-master (Ost Guruth, Rivendell, Echad Candelleth)

Description: A fort occupied by a couple
of Dwarf trappers who have fallen on misfortune and hard times.
Thorgest, wounded from a recent outing, needs help finding his brother
and exacting vengeance on the creatures of the South High Pass that
have wronged him.

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that, for all the Dwarves stationed in the Misty Mountains, only Elves
seem to get captured by the goblins...


Level Range: 45 - 46

Important NPCs: Nogmeldir, Eywind

Town Services

Provisioner  Healer Milestone

Description: Tucked away up in
the pass just southwest of Goblin-town and its wretched environs, the
dwarves and the elf at Vindurhal have been tasked with preventing the
goblins of Goblin-town from heading west and south to join with their
weaker, scattered cousins. Initially, the quests involve poking around
the camps outside, but eventually you will be directed to enter the
place. Be prepared.

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style="border: 0px solid ; width: 250px; height: 400px; float: left;"
alt="Bilbo Baggins"

a reasony why Bilbo's coat is hanging open like that.


Level Range: varies

Important NPCs: Bilbo Baggins
(Hall of Fire, Last Homely House in Rivendell), Malthenor and Golhador

Town Services:  None

Description: The elves at Imdolen
have a variety of
tasks for the Misty Mountains, mostly involving the wildlife. Bilbo
would like for you to find the buttons that popped off his shirt during
his brief stay in Goblin-town. This is much, much worse than being
asked to find a needle in a haystack.

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| href="">INSTANCES
| href="">DEEDS
| href="">REPUTATION

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016