Hand of Marr Quests

by on Mar 25, 2005

<P> Big thanks to Boomjack, Kebia, Jimbob, and Luvar of Oggok for taking the time to figure this out for Ten Ton Hammer. </P> <table border="0" align="right" cellpadding="5"> <tr>

Big thanks to Boomjack, Kebia, Jimbob, and Luvar of Oggok for taking the time to figure this out for Ten Ton Hammer.

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Start out by talking to Trelech Stonehome (Location 509, -1458) On the west side of the Waterfall in Nekulos Forest. Then head under the falls to zone into the group instanced Tombs of Night

Part 1 - Missing Scouts

Goblins in here are alot of spell casters, they do use quite a few AOE spells be careful.

Follow the left wall, you will see a tunnel follow it down. Killing along the way. At the bottom you will find a destructable wall. Break on thru, you will find groups of "a Mist Grinnin Ruffian" kill all the groups, around 6 of them. They spawn around the walls of the cavern but not in the middle. Then more groups will spawn and run toward the center. Each of these groups has about 4 ruffians and a summoner. This should spawn an unattackable Chief Strongarm. Walk up to him to spawn 4 mudrakers (level 35). After they die, he becomes attackable (level 35 ^^) and a Mudraker. When chief dies so does the mudraker so ignore the snake. After he dies, a wounded scout will spawn and die, right click and inspect to get the Fourth scout's missing report.

Head east to find a tunnel downward (the wall you broke thru to get into the cave looks pretty much right at it, location 72, -28, 94) take it down to a lake further down with Red crystals around. Kill the netslingers first, then the other goblins that spawn. To Spawn 'Gulp' (level 34^) fish and Lureclaw the Angler (level 34^^). After they die the wounded scout will spawn by Gulp. Inspect the body again to get the first scout's missing report.

Next head to the fleshgoyle's and hell hound. Head down that path thru the breakable wall and get the second missing scout.

Head back up the path, and take the first path up to the left. Kill the sporechanter groups, 2 of them, then a third group will spawn. "The Mold Reaper" will spawn toward entrence with moer sporechanters, kill them all. A wounded scout will run up and die. Inspect again and get the third missing scout's report.

Head back to camp and talk to Trelech again. You get around 70 silver.

Reward: Potion of Marr

Increase power by 150 One Charge


Reward: Salve of Marr

Increase Health by 250 One Charge

Part 2 - Luring out the Evil

You need to kill every goblin you see until you see 5 'dead grinnin'. Get used to this place you will kill just about everyone in here, takes quite a while to get them to spawn.

After that return to Trelech. About 60 Silver reward.

Reward: Charm of Defense (Activatable)

5 Charges, Small Defense : 12 defense 60 Mitigation

Uses Reconnaissance skill (125)

For Scout


Reward: Scepter of Healing (Activatable)

5 Charges, Casts Healing : 350 heal for group

Uses Inspirations Skill (125)

For Priest


Reward: Token of Defense (Activatable)

5 Charges, Small Defense : 12 defense 60 Mitigation

Uses Martial Arts Skill (125)

For Fighter


Reward: Wand of Ice (Activatable)

5 Charges, Casts Ice Bolt : Deals 350-600 Damage and Slows attack speed of target by 10%

Uses Evocations Skill (125)

For Mage

Part 3 - Symbols of the damned

This quest starts from Ytheri Coldtouch inside the hand of Marr Camp

First you go to the bottom of the waterfalls (Remember the fish this is the same place). Kill all the vampires you see

down here. Upon killing all the vampires you will spawn Dvith N'Zur, and some Wisps. You have to kill the wisps before you

will be able to attack Dvith. Kill him to get the symbol of Trev.

Next you have to find a coffin from the big room. Upon examining you will get the Symbol of Veth

Third In a tunnel you will find Rhayn T'Dax and he will be with some of his vampire helpers. Kill him and his helpers for

the Symbol of Raet.

Finally you will kill a coffin near Nilith T'Feyd for the last of the symbols. Return now to Ytheri Coldtouch recieve

your reward and you can get the next quest. At this point you can buy the reward items from the previous quests from the

merchant at the camp for 42 silver each, as well as the Crafting books and some nice special armor.

Reward: Thexian Language Primer(Learn Dark Elf Language)


Reward: Potion of Marr (Increase power by 150) One Charge


Reward: Salve of Marr (Increase Health by 250) One Charge

Part 4 - A Far Greater Menace

This quest is available after you complete part 3 of the Tombs of Night. Talking to Ytheri Coldtouch, she will send you to

the Mage tower in South Qeynos, taking the red portal. Taking the stairs down to the right, you will see a circular table in

front of you, on the floor to the right of this table is a big book, this is for the quest update. Talk to Ytheri again and

she will ask you to kill Dryxl T'Rath.

Kill all the vampires in the tomb room at the bottom to get T'Rath to spawn, he spawns when you walk down into the pit. So

keep any casters up top. When he dies his spirit will rise in the pit and float to the Tomb door. Return to the top and talk

to Ytheri again to recieve your reward.

Reward: Charm of Just (Activatable)

5 Charges, Casts Marr's Inspiration : Increase max health by 100-200, and Defense by 60.

Uses Reconnaissance skill (125)

For Scout


Reward: Scepter of Shielding (Activatable)

5 Charges, Casts Shielding : Wards group members collectively against a total of 345-468 damage.

Uses Inspirations Skill (125)

For Priest


Reward: Token of Defense (Activatable)

5 Charges, Casts Marr's Inspiration : Increase max health by 100-200, and Defense by 60.

Uses Martial Arts Skill (125)

For Fighter


Reward: Wand of Thunder (Activatable)

5 Charges, Casts Thunder Blast : 100-166 damage, Stun encounter.

Uses Evocations Skill (125)

For Mage

Part 5 - Shattering the Crystals

This time you talk to Arthial the Protector in the Hand of Marr Camp, He wants you to destroy four crystals in the Crypt

of Thaen. To Enter the crypt of Thaen go to where you saw the spirit fly off to in the previous step. If you have a high

enough level character or a powerful enough invis you wont have to kill a thing. Simply walk around to all the crystals,

right click and destroy them. They can be found at (-50, 16, -72), (-59, -0.5, -50), (-92, 25, -30), (-30, 25, -25). After

destroying all of them return to Arthial.

After finishing this quest you will be able to buy the rewards from the previous quest for 60 silver each.

Part 6 - A Vicious Twist

Talk to Arthial, and he will ask you to kill T'Rath the big bad boss final guy (Ohhhhh, be impressed). Follow things

around, you should be fairly familiar with this place now in the Crypt of Thaen. Before attacking him destroy "A Magnificent

Coffin" or he will continuously heal himself. You will find this off a side path on the way up to him. He has a few friends

and some powerful AOE arrow looking attacks. It is important to ward the entire group as casters can die in one hit. Finally

Mystics Shine!! When he dies return to Arthial for Regenerating Chest Piece (Stats to follow)

Reward: Honorary Chestplate of Marr

+4 Sta, +5 str, +22 Health, +10 Power, +150 vs disease, +150 vs magic

Armor 430 at level 42, Required 180 Heavy Armor. Increases Out of Combat Health Regen by 5 per tick.

Reward: Honorary Hauberk of Marr

+5 Agi, +4 Wis, +16 Health, +16 Power, +120 vs disease, +180 vs magic

Armor 331 at level 42, Required 180 Medium Armor. Increases Out of Combat Health Regen by 5 per tick.

Reward: Honorary Tunic of Marr

+5 Agi, +4 str, +19 Health, +13 Power, +120 vs disease, +180 vs magic

Armor 298 at level 42, Required 180 Light Armor. Increases Out of Combat Health Regen by 5 per tick.

Reward: Honorary Robe of Marr

+5 Int, +4 Wis, +10 Health, +22 Power, +150 vs disease, +150 vs magic

Armor 110 at level 42, Required 180 Very Light Armor. Increases Out of Combat Health Regen by 5 per tick.

Part 7 - Research and Destroy. Zone: Tombs of Night

See Tarren Marrsen for this quest.

Destroy Neonate Vamps for 5 symbols of Darkness. These group mobs are in upper levels of the tomb, as you go down the leftmost tunnel. Level 35 or so. Destroy Adherent Vamps for 3 Torques of Station. These group mobs are further down in the zone; jumping into waterfall will put you near them. Also you will be near the next 2 objectives. Level 35 or so. destroy Khasra D'Han. Location +84, -24, +74. He is just up the path from the waterfall pool that you can jump into from the top level. He is ^^35 and comes with 2 v 35 companions. destroy Viil N'Rahn. Location +23, -40, +115. He is in the waterfall pool itself. Not sure of his level but I believe he is the same as the previous mob.

Part 8 - Know Thine Enemy. Zone: Crypt of T'Haen

See Aleeshi Monala for this quest.

destroy Vashyn T'Reyn to obtain Sanguine Writ. Location +56, +14, -50. Follow left wall until you see a split in the path. On the right of the rock spire is a small dead end containing Vashyn -- ^^37 and his 3 minions -- v 37s. destroy Greth Q'Daena to obtain Treatise of Night. Location +52, -.5, +23. Backtrack to near the zone in; as you pass the fairies Greth is to your north. ^^37 mob plus 3 companions regular level 37s.

Part 9 - Become Thine Enemy. Zone: Tombs of Night and Crypt of T'Haen

See Aleeshi Monala for this quest.

In Tombs of Night, slay Bloodsworn Vamps to obtain 5 Amulets. These mobs are at lowest level by the zone in for crypt. Find a Dark Altar and gain a piece of it. Zone into Crypt of T'Haen and follow left wall until you come to bridge. Cross that one and continue. Arrive at a second bridge and cross that one, then turn slightly left and look for a lamppost-like object with skulls embedded in it. This is the Dark Altar. Location -108, +26, -9. Clicking the altar and choosing to take a piece will trigger a fight. 3 level 38 vampires PLUS the Guardian of the Altar, a named ^^38 Nightblood, will fight you hard. I soloed this encounter at level 47 and had my hands full.

Your reward for this quest is a Silver Charm. With Vampiric Incisors as catalysts, you can change form to a vampire.

Part 10 - Enemy's Weakness -- Zone: Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins.

(This zone is a little south along the river from the quest camp, and is on the right in a rock pile much like the original Bloodlines zone near GulThex Citadel...)

This quest comes from Aleeshi Monala. Note that all vampire mobs in the zone are casters, and strong ones at that.

You must find and transcribe 6 artifacts in Dire Hollow. 3 are static, clickable objects. The other 3 are obtained by killing the named mobs who stand near the static objects.

Pylon of N'Aeth: Location +78, -15, +28. Guarded by Feyd (shades of Dune...), a level 40^^, and his 2 level 40 minions. Feyd drops the Rubicund Disc. Tablet of V'Hriz: Location +79, -7, +100. Guarded by the nearby Blaesra, a level 40^^ and his level 40^ bodyguard. Blaesra drops the Tenebrous Globe. Shattered Plinth: Location +8, -14, +83. Guarded by the nearby Tufar, a level 40^^ and his level 40^ and level 40 minions. Tufar drops the Brazier of Black Flame.

After this you are required to kill the final (boss) named in the zone, Varo Z'Kaz. He spawns at approximate location +44, -9, +70. He is ^^40 and has several level 40 minions, which as you kill them he replaces in a hurry, so kill the boss first. Once you have this one down, go back to see Aleeshi in the quest camp out in Nek forest.

Reward: a new spell based on your class (we've only seen priest and figher rewards so far. Email us if you know the rewards for scouts and mages please!

Fighters get Corpsecrush:
On a Vampiric opponent, it decreases STR and AGI by 34, and inflicts 228-380 melee damage. Duration 24 seconds, reuse timer 60 seconds.

Priests get Sacred Shield
It casts Sacred Vengeance on the target. When target is struck by a Vampire opponent this spell will ... inflict 37 damage on attacker... inflicts another 42-51 damage on attacker... dots the attacker for 33-40 every 4 seconds. Duration 10 minutes. Reuse timer 120 seconds.

Mages get Sunbolt
On a vampire it will deal 520-780 heat damage, decrease the attack speed of the target by 10% and deal 23-29 every 4 seconds. Duration 24 seconds. Reuse timer 60 seconds.

Scouts get Dreadfang
On a vampire it will deal 257-458 and Stun. Duration 24 seconds. Reuse timer 60 seconds.

Have more insights? Feel free to contact Us!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016