Hellfire Citadel Hellbreach LFR Guide

by on Jul 06, 2015

Learn how to best take on the first LFR wing of Hellfire Citadel in this handy guide.

Hellfire Citadel, a raid instance released in Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.2, and is located in the Tanaan Jungle Zone. This raid is currently available in four difficulties LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic and requires an ilvl of 650 to enter. With 13 separate raid bosses in this non-linear instance, players will be able to choose their own path through this bastion of the Iron Horde. Divided up into five sections, this is one big instance.

In this guide we will tackle the Hellbreach section of the instance, providing you with all the details you will need to successfully take on the boss encounters found in this section of Hellfire Citadel LFR difficulty.

Hellfire Assault

The first encounter of this instance is the Hellfire Assault, taking place in the shadow of the mighty Citadel. For this “boss” players must fight their way through Siegemaster Mar'tak and an army of adds that will continuously spawn from portals throughout the room. All while attempting to use the Hellfire Cannons to break open the gate of the Citadel. Only after the gates are broken open will Mar'tak's forces retreat and let your raid have some peace.


Tanks will be busy int his fight. Every tank needs to be ready to grab any Hellfire Reinforcements that spawn. The only mobs that do not need tanked during this fight are the various siege weapons that will roll in from time to time.

Tanks will also need to keep a close eye on the Slam Debuff applied by Hulking Berserkers. Once this reaches an uncomfortable level, tanks should switch who is tanking the Berserker until their stacks fall off. Be especially wary of this debuff when tanking multiple mobs.


DPS should first and foremost be focused on taking down Siegemaster Mar'tak. She doesn't have a ton of health and will vacate the fight after hitting 50% health. With Mar'tak out of the way, DPS should focus on the rest of the mobs in this order (when possible):

Siege Vehicles Gorebound Terrors Gorebound Felcasters Hulking Berserkers

If a Felfire Munition drops, DPS should help Healers carry them to the Hellfire Cannons located at the back of the room.


Healers during this encounter will need to prepare themselves for Felfire Volley, which takes place directly after Metamorphosis. This spell will conjure a volley of flame, inflicting a ton of Fire damage to enemies within 50 yards (likely most of the raid). Save your cooldowns for this. You will need them.

Besides watching for Felfire, Healers will also need to be on the lookout for Conducted Shock Pulse and dispel it as soon as possible. When applied to a player, this nasty debuff will shock the target for a ton of damage and also stun the target for 6 seconds.

Finally, Healers will need to pick up Felfire Munitions and take them to the nearest Hellfire Cannon. These bundles of joy are dropped by Felfire Siege Engines after they are defeated. Healers will find the Hellfire Cannons at the back of the room.

Of course, all members of the raid should avoid any nasty damage that appears on the ground or elsewhere in the room. However, most of the damage in LFR is pretty tame. Once the gates are thrown open, players can advance to the next encounter.

Iron Reaver

The Iron Reaver encounter will take place in two alternating phases. In phase 1, the Iron Reaver will not be at full power and will be restricted to the ground. During this phase, the Iron Reaver will dish out a lot of raid wide damage that can easily be avoided by simply paying attention and spreading out. The worst of these abilities is Immolation which throws fire onto the ground that leaves a stacking debuff the longer you stand in it.

Once full power is reached phase 2 will begin and the Iron Reaver will take to the skies to smite her foes from above. During this flying phase, the Reaver will take 95% less damage and will gain access to a host of new abilities on top of her previous abilities. The most important of these being Falling Slam.

When using this ability the Iron Reaver will leap at a targeted location, inflicting Nature damage to all enemies and extra damage to any enemies within 30 yards. Players should move quickly away from the indicated location for this ability with as much haste as possible. During this phase Iron Reaver will also spawn Volatile Firebombs, adds that will need to be taken down by DPS.


Tanks during this encounter have a pretty simple job. They simply need to tank the Iron Reaver, until Artillery is cast. This ability fires an Artillery shell at the target that will do massive amounts of damage to any players nearby. Moving out of range of other players is essential. The tank not affected by Artillery should continue tanking while the affected tank moves out of the raid.


DPS will spend most of this fight damaging the Iron Reaver. Only during Phase 2 will their focus change. During this phase of the fight, DPS will need to take down any Volatile Firebombs that spawn as soon as possible. Also, like everyone else in the raid, they will need to avoid any and all damage and stay spread out.


Healers in this encounter should be ready to heal through Pounding. When using this ability Iron Reaver will pound the ground, inflicting damage for 6 seconds to all raid members. Avoid any and all damage when possible and stay spread out throughout the encounter.


Once the mighty ruler of Gorgrond, Kormrok has been tapped by the Iron Horde and infused with the fel power of Gul'dan. Now lurking within Hellfire Citadel, this giant magnaron will put up quite a fight. Inside Kormrok's room players will find three pools of fel energy; Shadow, Explosive, and Foul. Each able to empower one of his abilities for a short period of time. It should be noted that Kormrok will never jump into a pool he has used recently and will typically jump into the pool nearest him.

Shadow – Allows Kormrok to use his Fel Outpouring ability 3 times. Explosive – Kormrok can use his Explosive Runes 3 times. Foul – Allows Kormrok to use his Grasping Hands ability 3 times.

Kormrok will also periodically cast Pound, an ability that does raid wide damage, spawn adds, and lay down Explosive Runes that will need to be triggered before they explode.


Tanks will need to take charge of Kormrok, moving him from pool to pool in this order: Green, Orange, and Purple. This order should be repeated as the fight progresses. A tank switch will be needed whenever Kormrok casts, Foul Crush, Explosive Burst, or Swat. Finally, Tanks will need to stay at least 4 yards apart to avoid excess damage from Pound.


All DPS will be focused on Kormrok for the majority of the fight. The only variation will be when Crushing Hands or Grasping Hands are spawned. These will need to be taken down as quickly as possible. While doing damage, DPS should also stand on any Explosive Runes that are nearby and remain spread out at least 4 yards from any other player in the raid.


Healers will need to be on their toes for the Pound ability. Causing mass damage to the entire raid, cooldowns should be used whenever it is cast. Healers will also need to stand on and trigger Explosive Runes when they spawn nearby. Finally, Healers will need to spread out 4 yards apart from any other member of the raid.

Keep checking back for the next Hellfire Citadel LFR raid guide when we take on the Halls of Blood which includes the Hellfire High Council, Kilrogg, and Gorefiend and unlocks on July 14th!

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016