High Elves

by on Feb 22, 2006

<h2>High Elves</h2> <table border="0" style="float:right;"> <tr> <td> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='http://ads.tentonhammer.com/adx.js'></script>

High Elves

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Hailing from the island of Ulthuan; the High Elves are considered to be one of the most skilled armies in the Warhammer world. With legions of specially trained spearmen and archers at the forefronts of their battles, the High Elves also hold some of the most awesome magics known as "High Magic". With a combination of powerful magic, precise ranged elements, and specially trained melee troops the High Elves are a force to be reckoned with.

Official Information

Official Information from EA Mythic

“We the Asur are a noble people, our long and proud history stretching back to a time when Men were still fur clad savages. Living in our fair isle of Ulthuan, set in the centre of the Great Ocean, we are far removed from the petty squabbles of the lesser races. Here we are able to practice magic and our arts, perfecting them for no reason other than the sheer joy of it.”

The High Elves are an ancient people with a history that spans millennia. While the ancestors of man were little more than cave-dwelling primitives, the Elves built magnificent cities of glittering silver and white marble on their island home of Ulthuan. Elven scholars and explorers were the first to chart the stars and sail the world's oceans. The Elves were also the first race to mount an organized defense against the invading hordes of Chaos, beginning a war that continues to the present day

Early in their struggles against the Ruinous Powers, the Elves discovered that negative emotions such as fear, rage, jealousy and greed serve to fuel and strengthen the power of Chaos. Since that time, the High Elves have struggled to keep their intense passions tightly under control. Though intelligent and enlightened, all Elves have the capacity for savage violence.. In order to suppress this dangerous and unpredictable aspect of their psyche, the lords of Ulthuan continually strive to eliminate all extremes of emotion; in High Elf society, to surrender to anger or lust is to show weakness. As a result, the High Elves live by a strict regimen of rules and codes and embrace a way of life that emphasizes harmony, balance and inner peace.

Magic is the lifeblood of the High Elves. With millennia to hone their skills, it is little wonder that the Mages of Ulthuan are among the most powerful practitioners of magic in the world. Their thoughtful, meticulous approach to the study of combat, coupled with their patience and mental discipline makes the High Elves deadly fighters, as well. On the battlefield, High Elf swordsmen are graceful, lithe, and lethal when they detect a weakness in their adversaries.

The High Elves will need all of their wisdom and skill if they are to survive the Age of Reckoning. When Finubar, Phoenix King and ruler of Ulthuan, gathers his finest warriors and sets sail for the Old World to aid the beleaguered Empire, he is unaware that he and his allies are pawns in an elaborate plot designed to leave Ulthuan vulnerable to an invasion. As Finubar's fleet of longships pass beyond the horizon, vast shadows fall across the island of Ulthuan. The skies are darkened by a great swarm of Black Arks laden with hateful Dark Elf warriors seeking to reclaim their ancestral home and destroy forever their despised cousins, the High Elves.

Current Information

With the forces of the Empire engaged by Chaos, and the forces of the Dwarfs besieged by Greenskins it is up to the High Elves to come to the aid of their allies. Little do the High Elves realize that by aiding the forces of Order they have left themselves open to attack from unseen threats...

Finubar summons Prince Tyrion, a warrior and general without peer among his people, and charges him with the defense of the High Elf lands. Confident that his realm will be secure , the Phoenix King sets sail at the head of a flotilla of Elven warships. From the Straits of Lothern the vessels pass into the Great Western Ocean carrying hundreds of the most skilled warriors among the High Elves. When word of the Phoenix King's departure reaches Malekith's ears, the Witch King gives the order to begin the invasion of Ulthuan.

-Age of Reckoning

The following is taken from TenTonHammer's Erik Mogensen Interview:

Erik: These two races are, I think, one of the bigger challenges facing us.  Elves are tall, thin, pointy-eared folk right?  Easy, right?  Well…not so much.  They are those things of course, but Warhammer Elves have a unique spin on that archetype.  They have an air of mystery about them; an alieness that needs to come across.  My hope is that we’ll do them justice, and that players will have a slight feeling of unease around both races.

In terms of how they’ll be brought to life, they give us an opportunity to really explore the magical and more ‘fantasy’ elements of the Warhammer World.  The Elves are all about magic, and giant eagles and dragons, and elegance (evil elegance in the case of the Dark Elves!).  Like with the other races, I’m really looking forward to seeing people walk around in the Elf lands and to finally see that side of Warhammer Elves.


None at this time...


None at this time...

Views on Allies:

Humans - It is known that the Elves view Humans as a "lesser race"; however since the Empire is such a large nation and is active in the fight against Chaos, the High Elves grudgingly assist them. During the First War Against Chaos; the Elf Techlis taught men the Schools of Magic (to what the High Elves is considered to be children's magic) so the men of the Empire would have better defences against Chaos. Because of their common sharing of defences and knowledge; Elves and Men are such keen allies. It is also for this reason that Chaos seeks only to gain further retribution against the Elves.

Dwarves - There is little love between Dwarves and Elves; a mutual loathing of each other that stems from the centuries past "War of the Beard". Through Dark Elf deception the Dwarves were tricked into believing their caravans were being attacked by High Elves. When confronted with these accusations; the High Elf King in his arrogance had the Dwarf Emissary's beard shaved. The resulting war between the two races was long and brutal ending with a bitter stalemate in which the dwarves seized the prized High Elf relic the "Pheonix Crown" as compensation.

Current times have changed the outlook of each race. While still viewing the Dwarves as "thieves"; being an intelligent race, the High Elves still understand the need of Dwarven forces in the war against Chaos, as well as holding back the Greenskin threat. Because of these multiple threats to their mutual existence, the Dwarves and Elves maintain their alliance.

Views on Enemies:

Chaos - As Chaos seeks to conquer and corrupt the world, the Elves stand against them. It was Elven High Magic that kept the forces of Chaos at bay during the first Great War, and even now the Elves fight against their hated enemy. As Chaos seeks to destroy all in their way; the High Elves are dedicated to stand against this force of darkness.

Orcs & Goblins- Much like Chaos; the Orcs seek only to conquer and destroy. While not considered nearly as much of a threat as the forces of Chaos, the Orcs and Goblins are still an enemy of the High Elves. Thankfully for the Elves, this threat seems to be contained by the Dwarves and the Men of the Empire.

Dark Elves - Millenia ago, the heir to the Elven Crown Malekith attempted a coup to take the Crown of the Pheonix King; however his bid was usurped and he was forced to endure a trial to prove if he was truly worthy to become the new Pheonix King. Failing the trial and being left horribly scarred; Malekith and his supporters launched a horrible civil war against the High Elves. The war ended with the a High Elven victory when Malekith's home and most of his supporters were lost to the ocean.

A great number of Malekith's supporters as well as Malekith himself escaped across the sea to new lands which they named Naggaroth. Now the High Elves and the Dark Elves (as the supporters of Malekith became known) hold a bitter war against each other. Malekith intent on reclaiming the crown he believes to be his.

Empire Links

TenTonHammer Links

TenTonHammer High Elf Gallery TenTonHammer WAR Forums

WAR Related Links

Warhammer Alliance: Races of WAR WAR-RvR.net: The High Elf Race Guide

Games Workshop Related

Warhammer Fantasy Empire Homepage


If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or things you want changed/added to this or any other page here at warhammer.tentonhammer.com, please email me at ratboy@tentonhammer.com.


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016