How to Get the Chaperone Exotic Shotgun - Destiny: Taken King

by on Oct 01, 2015

Step by step instructions for getting your hands on the Chaperone exotic shotgun.

The Chaperone is an exotic shotgun introduced with the Taken King and made famous by its appearance in many of the teasers and trailers released to promote the expansion. Like many of the new exotic weapons, it can be obtained after completing a long chain of quests, this time mostly taking place in the Crucible.

Unfortunately this particular exotic quest line involves one of the most tedious missions ever seen in Destiny so let’s get started.

Step 1: Getting the Jolly Holiday Quest

The quest that starts it all. Getting the quest requires that you be at least rank 3 in the crucible and have completely the main Taken King story lines. If this is completed you will get the option for accepting the quest from Amanda Holliday the Toer’s shipwright.

Step 2: Last Word Crucible Kills

For this stage you are required to own and have the Last word equipped in your primary weapon slot while gathering 100 points in the crucible. You will receive 1 point for every kill you make, while dying will remove 2 points from your total. Kill streaks will multiply the amount of points you receive.

Removing the last word from the weapon slot will stop the recording of the match, so if you’re having a particularly bad game you can unequip it to reduce the losses you take.

When you’re done you’ll return to Holliday for the next step.

Step 3: Purchase a Generous Donation from any Cryptarch

This leg of the quest is simple but will cost you a whopping 15,000 glimmer to purchase. Head to the cryptarch and grab it then return to Holliday.

Step 4: Kill Enemies in the Crucible or High Ranking NPC Enemies (Yellow Bar) with a Shotgun

Your call on this step, which again requires you to accumulate 100 points. Kills in the Crucible will give 3 points each, and luckily dying doesn’t remove points like it did in the last step.

Killing Elite NPC’s in strikes is also a good way to go about it, with the end bosses giving 6 points each kill.

Step 5: Kill the Shield Brothers with a Shotgun

After you’ve completed the last leg, your final task will be landing the killing blow on BOTH of the shield brothers with a shotgun. When you accept this quest a special version of the strike will become available (with matchmaking).

That being said, you want to have teammates you can trust because it has to be you landing the last shot on both of the brothers for it to count. Grouping with some randoms on the same quest will likely end with all three going for the kill at the same time.

Step 6: Return to Amanda Holliday, turn the quest in and… wait

You’re all excited you just took down the shield brothers and are ready for your reward but unfortunately you’ll be waiting a while longer depending on what day you completed it on.

Once you turn in the quest you will only receive the Chaperone on the next weekly reset, so you might want to consider going for the last stage of the quest during the weekend so you don’t feel like you’re waiting all week.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016